Chapter 14: Demonization Pill

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The moment Qiang stepped into the shop he started to carefully look around and if he found anything wrong then he would walk out of there. But what he was met with astounded him.

He could clearly see numerous auras from the items in every color you could imagine no matter where he looked. One particular item's aura caught his eye. It was like it absorbed all the auras and light it that surrounding it. Thus a sinister dark space was formed around it. Qiang carefully approached and took a look at the item that gave such an frightening aura. It was a small pill, no bigger than a pea, black to its core.

"Hey you two take a look at this!"

Qiang called Yuikarie and Inter over and a moment later the three of them stood and stared at the pill.

"This wasn't here the last time I visited." (Yuikarie)

"It has an interesting aura. This black mist is truly frightening." (Inter)

"Do you want me to explain that pill in detail, dear costumer?"

An unknown voice could be heard behind them. They looked back and saw the old man who had sat by the counter when they came in.

"My name is Howradgrit and I'm the owner of this small shop, The Stars Minnerals."

"Nice to meet you, uncle Howardgrit. What more can you tell us about this pill?"

Inter immediately asked while giving the old man a small bow of respect.

"It was made by a lich. After a friend of mine who is a warrior defeated the lich he came here to me to analyze and when he heard it's effects he didn't want it and told me it was mine to sell if I didn't want it. The price for it is 10 gold."

"What are the effects then?"

Qiang asked Howradgrit with a pokerface smile.

"It is said to turn one into a lich and gain immortality."

"Lich is sorta like a Zombie right?"

"It's closer to a skeleton and they were often mages who profited as great alchemists when they were alive. As undead immortal liches they build an army of the undead to defeat the hero of the church order."(Inter)

"Then they aren't easily controlled by others."(Yuikarie)

"Why does that matter?"(Qiang)

"Remember that there is a taming skill right? If used on a lich you could gain a whole army in one!"

"And what would you do with an army?"(Inter)

"I want my own territory in the future and an army would really help when it comes to protecting it from raids!"

"Then how are you gonna find someone who are willing to become a lich and then ur slave? Isn't it better to just find a lich and then make it your slave?"(Qiang)

"What's the fun in that? I want to make a lich myself. Otherwise I'm not satisfied!"

Yuikarie was seriously considering making an npc into a lich.

Qiang and Inter looked at her with disappointed faces.

"We seriously thought better of you." (Qiang)

"But it seems like we were wrong." (Inter)

"First things first do you have the money to buy it?"

"And if you buy it how are you going to lure an npc into taking it?"

"I'll figure it out once time is ripe! Old man you can put this away so I can purchase is later right?"

"I won't put it away but I'll write your name down. If someone comes and give me more than the price placed on it then I will sell it to that person. And if you do not come back in 3 months and another wants it I will sell it to that person." (Howradgrit)

"Ok, sounds fair." (Yuikarie)

What Howardgrit told Yuikarie makes sense. In the end business only counts if it gives profit. Additional profits is always something a merchant strive for.

'Oh right now when I think about it... I only have about 60 copper and 10 silver. I really need to sell these items that I don't need.' (Qiang)

"Howardgrit do you perhaps buy things too? I have some stuff I need to sell."

"Sure why not young man. I rarely get costumers here and I hope you are willing to come back once in awhile."

"No problem."

Qiang put his loot from the cave on the table and Howardgrit took account.

"I'll give you 5 gold 2 silver and 15 copper for this."


'Ok, now I have 5 gold 12 silver and 75 copper. But more is needed if I'm going to survive.'

"Thank you, please come here again to sell and buy stuff."

Qiang, Inter and Yuikarie left the shop and headed for the centeral town square and there they separated. Qiang went back to the inn while Inter went and looked around a bit more and Yuikarie went looking for the twins.

At the inn Sebastian and Mary welcomed him and he went to him room in order to log out.


In the real world Jin took off his headgear and looked in front of him. Ken was still sitting there playing the game so Jin started to take care of the dishes left from them eating earlier.

After washing up he woke Ken up from the game world.

"Yo, Ken. Found anything interesting?"

"Nothing more interesting than that shop. So why you make me log out?"

"Three reasons. This is my place, it's late and I have a suggestion."

"What is it?"

"Instead of you going to your hotel room let's just have a sleepover here at my place instead. I have an extra mattress which you can use."

"You know what? That actually sounds like a good idea. Yeah as you said it is pretty late and I didn't book the hotel room. My stuff is with me so that isn't a problem."

"Ok then let's prepare."

Jin took out his pre-prepped matress and the things that Ken need for his. Then he walks to the kitchen to get the snacks he bought earlier.

Once he got back Ken was almost finished so he helped him with the last bit. Then the sat down to snack and chat until they were tired enough to sleep.

Author's note: OK I'm back. Sorry about this. Not even kept once a month. Well after the trip to UK there was a lot of test and graduation and stuff and I had a hard time focusing on writing.

But here it is... Maybe not the best chapter but oh well. At least it's something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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