Chapter 4: Escape quest

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When Qiang logged in he found himself in the same bed as before, carefully placed at it's original position.

The twins was right by his door even before he managed to sit up.

He lightly panicked on the inside but showed a calm expression on the outside.

"It seems you are awake."(Kuro)

"Surely it does, cause I am awake."(Qiang)

"It seems you fainted while Sebastian helped you put your clothes on. You have been asleep for a day."(Shiro)

"Is that so..."(Qiang)

'Well of course I fainted! It was pure hell, and it was all thanks to you!'

Qiang shouted out in his mind.

"You don't really feel like a human you know? There is something that just make you different."(Shiro)

'She is sharp! Don't tell me they have already figured out that I'm not really a human, maybe they will figure out my race! Oh no! My racial skill is an important part of my escape! I have to make them believe otherwise!'

"Really? I've been a human for as long as I remember. It is not like I can suddenly change my race out of nowhere."(Qiang)

'Well I can but it is better if you don't know about it!'

"Do not deny it, we can smell it on you."(Kuro)


"Do not stop me Shiro. I need to tell him the truth, this also works as a test."(Kuro)


"I told you not to stop me!"(Kuro)

Kuro looked at Shiro with a lightly irritated expression.

"Okay... So stop being angry."(Shiro)

"We are of a race called Lamoresa. The Lamoresa are a race that once was humans but has developed the senses to such a stage that we can't be called humans anymore. And because we have have such good senses we can practice the higher level of the hidden arts of an assassin."(Kuro)

"So that's the reason you think I'm not human? Have you ever thought that there could be something that is disturbing your sense of smell?"(Qiang)

"Even if it is something, we can just smell you again... Huh?"(Kuro)

"What's wrong?"(Qiang)

"You smell human."(Kuro)

"We of course since I am one."(Qiang)

"But, that's impossible..."(Kuro)

'Thank god I made it.'

Qiang thought. He had distracted Kuro while casting the mimic skill on himself not change his look but to hopefully make himself at least smell human. And it worked!

'This skill may be more usefull than I thought, maybe I can knock Mr pervert butler down and mimic him... But wait doesn't he need to be a human for that?'

"What about your butler? Is he an Lamoresa too?"(Qiang)

"No he is human."(Shiro)

'Perfect, then I don't need to escape through the window!'

Qiang erased his old plan in his mind and made up a new one, based on the new info acquired. Thought he didn't want to mimic a person who made him experience hell he had no choice. Either mimic Sebastian or jump out the window with the risk of hurting himself to the point he can't move.

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