Chapter 12: Old stories

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Jin unlocked his apartment and went towards the kitchen with Ken following him.

"You sure live cheap." 

"So what? I'm considered poor now. It's not like we were young. My parents aren't alive anymore."

"Yeah... I'm sorry for your loss."

"It was an accident, no way for them to be saved."

Jin started preparing the ingredients. 

"I'm planning hamburger steak tonight, that okay with you?"

"Totally okay, I love hamburgers! Is it okay if I sit here?"

Ken pointed at the japanese short dinner table when he said that.

"Of course, why even ask?"

Ken sat down and started looking more carefully around Jin's apartment. 

"Isn't that the Lativase Eternity Online game set other there? I thought you were low on money? Could it be because of that? It's like super expensive."

"I won it."

"You won it?"

"Yes, I won it. Together with 10M yen."

"Wait you mean... you are the one who won the first prize of that lottery?"


"You know that there has been a lot of talk about it, right? After all EreaExo donated a game set to the lottery company to use as the first prize. Furthermore no one knows who the winner is because you have kept quiet about it. Normally the winner makes a huge thing out of it. Most of the other winners this time are well know by now."

"You should know what I think about stuff like that, right? I haven't changed. I like things better peaceful and quiet, not making a big deal out of things."

"Yeah it sure suits you well. You've always been like that since long ago. But people still change, sometimes in extreme ways. Look at me, I've become a total ladies man."

"Sure, you've never told me about your relationships though, after all it's been quite a few years with no contact. I wouldn't really know how much you've changed. To me you seem the same even now."

"I'll be sure to tell you, buddy. By the way how's the food coming along?"

"I'm just about to start frying, 15 minutes left."

Jin put the meat in the frying pan and waited three minutes before flipping it over to fry on the other side for three minutes. He then put the hamburgers on a plate and went on with putting together a potato salad with all of the ingredients already neatly cut. He also swiftly made some gravy to accompany the hamburger. Once finished he went and got plates, glasses and chopsticks which he then placed at the table together with the food.

Jin sat down in front of Ken and started to eat while Ken just sat there looking at him.

"Why are you not eating? I thought you were hungry?"

"It's just that since you have both the console and the game you must have played right? What's your name?"


"Qiang, huh. I'm called Inter in game. Let's meet up online some time!"


"Wait... Let's do it now! I have my set with me."

Ken opened up the bag he had with him and started taking everything out.

"Okay but at least eat first, Ken."

"Ah, that's right."

"Still as forgetful as ever."


Ken put down the console in his hands and picked up his chopsticks. While he and Jin ate they talked about the past.

It was in the last year of junior high that Ken had to move because of his fathers work. Before that he and Jin had spent everyday together doing both crazy and normal things. Sometimes they would be in Jin's house and at other times in Ken's. Two other guys also hanged out with them and Jin had continued to hang with them even after Ken moved. Jin stopped hanging out with them when his parent's died though, because he became way to busy to spend time with friends. He lost contact with them when we graduated. 

Meanwhile Ken was struggling with fitting in in the new environment. At his new school the girls were all over him and the other boys didn't approach him out of jealousy. When he heard about the loss of Jin's parents he felt as if his heart was torn apart. Everyday when he was in Jin's home after school they would be very kind to him. He almost considered them his second pair of parents. 

Ken's own mother left him and his father when he was only 6  years old. She left because his father spent most of his time working. When she left his father started to come home earlier because he regretted it. When Ken was 10 years old his father found a new woman who was also divorced had an daughter since earlier marriage. Around that time he had Jin and their other two friends stop coming over to his house. He didn't feel comfortable being there much himself, much less having friends over.

Ken being back in this town soothed him. Even though bad things had happened when he lived here the good times with Jin and the other two had greatly conquered that. Meeting and hanging out with Jin once again was indeed a great bliss for him.

Both Jin and Ken continued to share their stories with each other and about half an hour later they had finished off their food and picked up their consoles.

"Well see ya in game then, Jin"

"You too. See ya."


In game Qiang opens his eyes to find Yuikarie's face right in front of his staring at him with curious eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Well... It took you forever to log back in so what where you doing exactly?"

"Do you even need to know? Well it won't hurt to tell you since it's better if you know."

"Then tell me."

"I met an old friend by coincidence offline and we ate dinner together. He also plays LEO so we are going to meet up ingame and befriend each other. Apparently he carried his game set with him."

"I see... Sounds like BL to me but... Good luck!"

"Hey!!! What's BL supposed to mean and what good luck?!!"

"It's better if you don't know."

"Ok we leave it at that for now I need to go."

Qiang quickly left the inn and went towards the decided meeting place.

Authors note: Hallo! Boys and girls! A small notice from the author here!! Isn't it nice with friendships? Don't worry boys they will stay best friends no more no less. Jin and Ken that is.

Anyways within 10 days I gave u another chapter! Isn't that nice? My deadline is usually the 12th every month but if I have time and inspiration things like this may happen.

Also announcing the making of a webtoon based on this novel. And I'm doing all the work. Character designing, panel planning, typesetting, etc. I haven't made a script because it's mostly based of this novel so. But I have made a few adjustments to suit the way I work.
The comic will be posted on Tapastic and there isn't a decided date yet but at latest maybe in like June?
Stay tuned!! I'll make a trailer which I'll put on my YouTube channel which are connected (by name) to my other account here on wattpad. It's OtakuYui-chan btw.

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