Chapter 9: Audience with the Lord

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The food at the inn definitely met up with being the best... Only the food so far that is. Qiang hadn't taken a look at the rooms they got but he had made up his mind about who would sleep with who.

First the twins should have their own room.

Secondly Qiang didn't want Sebastian near him and since both him and Mary are servants they should sleep in one room.

Thirdly Qiang and Yuikarie in one room. Since Qiang preferred Yui who is a girl over Sebastian... A man.

Just imagining himself and Sebastian in one room made him cringe.

Satisfied of the three course meal he had gotten for lunch he stood up and went towards the rooms. By the way the three course meal started with shrimp mayonnaise on toast and after that grilled oxsteak with grilled potatoes and last but not least a brownie served with homemade vanilla ice cream and mint.

With a full stomach Qiang dragged himself to one of the rooms to rest.

A few minutes later John arrived and Harnog went and knocked on the doors that Qiang and his companions had. Qiang immediately went to the door once he heard the knocking. And he saw Harnog stand at the door.

"Yes?" (Qiang)

"John has come please follow me to meet him." (Harnog)

Harnog took Qiang downstairs to the reception disk. John stood there all tense while the restaurant costumers were looking at him, Harnog and Qiang.

"Um the Lord want's to meet you now." (John)

John was sweating heavily.

"It seems to be urgent." (John)

"Sure. Can you show me the way?" (Qiang)

"Yes that was the plan... Let's get out of here fast. I'm not used to this much pressure." (John)

Qiang with John in the lead left the inn and went towards the lord's mansion in the east part of town. The inn was situated south and it didn't take a long time to walk from there to the mansion. The town was just a small town after all with 2,5k NPC's living there. This small town is known as Tia and even though it has a small population it's pretty popular with tourists.

"This town sure is brimming with culture even though it's such a small town." (Qiang)

"It's all thanks to our Lord. He has worked hard to make the culture bloom this much. Actually there's a festival next week, so feel free to stay until it's over." (John)

"Yeah, sure, maybe..." (Qiang)

They were at the Lord mansions doors and John knocked. After a few seconds the door were open for them to walk in. Qiang were taken to the Lord's office while John was ordered to wait in the main hall.

The Lord's office was filled with books and documents.  Two couches were directed towards each other in the middle of the room with a coffee table in between. Behind the couch group were the desk with some windows behind it. The Lord was sitting by the desk on his office chair. He had a small fat build with thick beard and hair put up in pigtails.

'It's a dwarf...' (Qiang)

"Welcome to my office sir Qiang. Feel free to sit down." (Lord)

Qiang sat down in one of the couches.

"First let me introduce myself."

The Lord said and moved towards the couch opposite to Qiang.

"My name is Brynhild Rian Kraker and I have something to ask of you." (Lord)

"My name is Qiang and I'm here to listen to what you have to say." (Qiang)

"Well when on to the point. You are of the Wechal race. Am I correct?" (Brynhild)

Qiang were hesitating but since it was probably seen on his identification plate where was no use in lying.

"Yes." (Qiang)

"And you have the ability to make and walk on threads... Am I correct?" (Brynhild)

"Yes." (Qiang)

"Well then. You've heard about the festival next week from John right? We want to do something different this year and we need you for that." (Brynhild)

"It has something to do with my abilities right?" (Qiang)

"Yeah you are pretty good at getting the point. Anyway we want you to transform into a woman and then use you thread abilities to perform in the sky. Of course we will give you compensation for this task." (Brynhild)

This is a request from the Lord himself which could mean that the compensation can be pretty nice and since Qiang had to transform himself his identity wouldn't be discovered. So even though it it would hurt his pride a little bit there was more to gain from it.

"Sure I accept this task." (Qiang)

"Then please transform into a woman right away. My maids want to help pic out clothes for you." (Brynhild)

"Eeh... That's a bit..." (Qiang)

"Just do it." (Brynhild)

"Sure..." (Qiang)

Qiang changed himself into a beautiful woman with features similar to himself such as white (long) hair with red stripes and red eyes. Just because he didn't care about those details. It was a different gender, no one would figure it out that easily.

"Perfect. Maids!!" (Brynhild)

It took 10 seconds for the maids to arrive. There was three of them.

"Oh my god so cute!" (Maid 1)

"I tell you, you are fabulous!" (Maid 2)

"It will be interesting finding the perfect outfit for you." (Maid 3)

The first maid was sort of enthusiastic while the second one was more bad ass and the third one was like a genius finding her new toy.

"Take our guest and chose the perfect outfit for her."

Qiang was dragged out of the Lord's office and taken into a dress room where the three maids started to pick out the clothes. After a few hours the outfit was decided. The shoes were plain black shoes and the pants were baggy and colourful. On the upper body were a sleeveless shirt, on the waist a piece of clothing. His hair was put up in a pony tail with a piece of elastic fabric tied into a ribbon.  They also put on a choker and some gloves.

Satisfied with their creation the three maids broke a bathroom and took Qiang back into the Lord's office. 

"Oh my, oh my. Great work girls." (Brynhild)

This get up actually suited Qiang pretty well. Brynhild had had a mirror summoned in front of Qiang so even he had had a proper look at himself.

"Shall we make you a stage name?" (Brynhild)

Author's note: Yeah they randomly broke a bathroom, just because they felt like it... So immature... I wonder what will happen to those three stupid maids.

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