Chapter 21 - New Years Eve

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Lauren's POV

The past few days were spent going to the beach and hanging out with Ethan. He surfed every day while I read books, walked on the beach and just relaxed. There was nothing better than a day at the beach in my opinion.

Ethan was coming out of the surf, I noticed him in the distance. He'd pulled out too far left off his last wave so he had a bit of walking to do to get back to me. I was watching him and all I could think was how hot he looked in his wetsuit. It was tight outlining his perfect body. There was a group of girls nearby. They were a little older than me. They were talking about all the hot men on the beach. Then one noticed Ethan.

"OMG, check out this one. He is like a fucking god. His body is perfect. Can't quite make out his face but I'd fuck him". The group of girls laughed and egged her friend to go talk to him.  "OK, he can only say no". She stood up, she was pretty standing at about 5ft9 with a slim body, she wore a white string bikini. Her hair was long and blonde. Kinda everything a guy would like. After 30 seconds of walking she approached Ethan. We couldn't hear what they were saying but they were both laughing. She actually placed a hand on Ethan's shoulder then cuddled him.

I could  hear the group of girls banter "looks like someone's going to get lucky tonight".

Ethan proceeded to walk towards the group then I heard "Ethan Lane, wow,"

"Chelsea, Mikayla, Nina and Halle. Wow, this is crazy, how are you all? I couldn't believe it when Tash spotted me. I haven't seen you all in about 8 years". Ethan chuckled.

"Yep, it's been a while. Times been good to you Ethan". I heard a voice say.

"Lauren, Babe," Ethan waved me over to the group of girls. "Ladies, this is my gorgeous girl friend Lauren". He was kissing the top of my head and hugging me.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Girl friend huh, you were never one to keep relationships Ethan. Don't forget we had to pick up the pieces after you broke Amanda's heart". Tash remembered.

"Yeah, you were only ever good for the night. I should know". One of the other girls said.

"Well Ladies, that's before I met Lauren. This gorgeous woman is the reason why I don't want anyone else". Ethan cuddled me into him. I kissed his chest placing my palms on either side of his pecs.

"Do you know Amanda is back for good?" Tash asked Ethan.

"Yep, we saw her on Christmas caught up for breakfast". He replied.

"That would have been awkward for you Lauren. She was his first for many things. It's hard to compete against a ghost". Tash raised her eyebrow at me.

I just shrugged. "She maybe his first, but ..."

Ethan butted in "Lauren will be my last. My one and only, wife, mother of my kids". He was widely grinning. "Anyway Ladies, great seeing you all, I'm bloody starving so we're going to grab some lunch. Take care and maybe I'll see you round".

I could have sworn I heard one of them snickering "sooner than you know". But I shrugged it off.

We walked over to where our stuff was. I could here snide remarks being made from the group of girls.

"She's nothing special".

"Why her?"

"She must be good in bed!"

Ethan looked at me and he said in a soft voice, "At least they got the last one right," he winked suggestively. We packed up and headed towards the car.

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