Nordonia's friend

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"Smile Ravenna," he says as he takes a picture of her to post on Instagram later as well as Twitter to show that he is a dad and not a fake one

Ravenna smiles big for daddy cause she loved having her picture taken like her sister does, so she feels like an equal 

"Beautiful sweetie" he says as he kisses her on her little nose after he took the picture of her in the swing to send to mommy too to make her day a little better just in case she was having a bad day at work, and she needed to see the girls  

Kevin continued to push her in the little swing for a little bit until she got tired of it, and wanted out of the swing, and do something else what he didn't know  

"Okay sweetie daddy gets the message, and will let you go down the slide a little bit" he says as he takes her to the slide that was by her sister who was still under the playground equipment, and it looks like she made a friend 

Kevin saw that Nordonia was still playing with her friend that was under the slide, and he was going to leave them be  

"You okay baby?" he asks her cause she hasn't played since they got to the park, and he wanted to see if she was okay under the playground with her friend 

Nordonia nods at him as she looks at him

"That's good sweetie be careful okay daddy doesn't want to see you get hurt at all" he says as he takes Ravenna to the slide, so she could slide for the first time while he held onto her as she went down the slide 

Nordonia nods as she watches as daddy takes sissy to the slide, so she could have some fun as well like her sister was having. Ravenna loved the slide until she got tired of that as well, and she wanted daddy   

"Daddy doesn't want you on the bouncers yet cause you are too little yet, and they are a little rough for you as well sweetie, so maybe when you are older" he says as he looks to see where he could have her play on next 

Kevin see the little spinner and sits with her on that, and spins a little gently with her  

"When you are bigger daddy will be able to make this spin and it will go as fast as you want" he says as he spins it slowly for her so she doesn't get sick as they were spinning 

He decided to change Ravenna just in case she was wet or had a stinky 

"Nordonia do you want daddy to spin you before we go home?" he asks as he looks at her just in case she wanted to go on it, and have fun too for a little bit before they went home that night cause they were the only ones at the park

"Can you spin my friend too daddy?" Nordonia asks as she comes over with a little girl her age who was under the playground equipment with her, and they were talking for the longest time until Kevin came to get her  

"Sure sweetie I'll put your sister in the stroller, and I will spin the both of you" he says as he puts the baby in the stroller, so he could spin both girls on the spinner 

Kevin helped both girls up and onto the spinner so he could spin them gently cause they were little, and he could loved hearing Nordonia laughing as she was being spun around, and it was the best sound that he had heard in his life and when she said faster daddy that touched his heart   


"Nordonia come on it's supper time princess" he says as he looks at the clock on his phone to see how late it was, and it was very late

"My friend daddy" she says as she stays close to her friend as they were leaving the park to go home that night, and go to bed as well

"I'm sure her parents will come for her soon, and I hope cause it is getting late" he says as he looks to see if he saw any grown-ups come for the little girl that was with Nordonia 

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