Seeing what is going on with Olympic and naming the baby

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Kevin was waiting with Ravenna who was starting to get fussy, and he was going to see what was going on with Olympic and if she was going to be staying the night in the hospital or is she was going to be coming home that day once again

"Okay sweetie I think I am going to get your sister and we are going to go home cause there isn't much that I can do right now anyway since they are running tests on your sister friend right now, so home is the best bet for my girls right now, and they can call us after they see what is going on with her" he says as he heads to where Nordonia was, so he could take them home and get Ravenna fed and see if Nordonia needed fed as well cause there wasn't much that he could do right now so he was going to go home with the girls to see what is going on with Olympic, and maybe he could have one of the cast watch the girls while he heads to the hospital later cause Fawn and him were going to see what was going on with Olympic and maybe name the baby boy that was in the NICU still and maybe hold him for the first time too.

Kevin headed up to the NICU to get Nordonia and the IPAD that had Fawn on it so they could go home, and wait out the outcome right now

"Soon baby girl you will have a new brother to play with, and I don't think he would play with your toys maybe later on down the road, but he might you will have to be the big sister and let him play with the toys," he says as he talks to the baby as they were going to get Nordonia and head home for the time being


"Hey princess is mommy in there with the baby?" he asks Nordonia when he came up with Ravenna who was not a happy camper at all right now cause she was cutting teeth

"Yes she is in there with the baby," Nordonia says to him as she was waiting patiently for daddy

"Can you two stay here while I go in to see mommy?" he asks her as he heads into the NICU to see what the baby was and what Fawn was doing with the baby right now

Nordonia nods as daddy was at the window to see if he could go in

"Be back soon princess, and we will go home I promise you, and we can have a fun night. Is that okay with you" he says as he kisses the girls before he headed into the NICU while Nordonia played with her sister a little bit to calm her down and make her all happy again

Kevin washed his hands and gown gowned up so he could head in to see about the baby boy

"Kevin in here" Fawn calls to him when she knew Kevin came into the NICU to see about the baby

Kevin heads into where Fawn was with the baby

"What is it?" he asks her as he came into the room quietly

"It's a little boy Kevin we have a boy," she says as she looks at both the baby and Kevin

Kevin went close to the little boy that was in the isolate

"Hey buddy," Kevin says as he approached the isolate slowly

"He needs a name Kevin so what are we going to name him?" Fawn asks him as she looks at the baby who was sleeping right now on his back in his incubator

"I don't know right now cause I didn't know if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl," he says to her

"I say he looks like a Jackson, and he can be named after your favorite singer growing up," Fawn says to him as the baby moved a bit

Soon the baby moved when he heard his new name

"It looks like he likes it already," Kevin says as he touches Jackson cause Jackson started to get a little fussy

"His middle name can be Reed," she says to him

"It looks like he likes that name," Kevin says to Fawn when the baby boy moved a little bit when he heard a name

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