I am so sorry

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Okay i apologize in advance if it is short let's say the new girl is done and I had to work an eleven hour day so I was not able to write as much as I would like today and like I always do on Fridays when I work an early shift (which I did today and that got changed really fast when she did not show up at all or call to say she was not coming in today or the day before that, and she called off twice last week, and I covered for her) so I might be working crazy some days and there will be days when I don't work like crazy and I can write like normal and I won't be able to update like I like and keep all of you happy. On busy days when I have to close i might do previews and wait until I have some time off so I can get the chapters fully up for you guys in the future and I will do monologues for this story again cause those were kind of cute on busy days as well when I am too tired to write 

That is over the new one is working out great, so this story going to be updated more no matter what happens  with work 

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