The quads are born final part

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Well i am going to put it up anyways cause tonight was slow but nuts at work tomorrow might be better who knows cause I have to close again tomorrow night then I'm off on Sunday hot dog

"Okay we are ready for you" the nurse tells him as she came in to get him 

Kevin went with her cause he could not wait to see Fawn again

"I feel pump I feel charged" he says as he was walking to the operating room

The nurse smiles as they approached the operating room

"Wait right here" she says as she heads in to see if they were ready for Kevin cause Fawn was still getting the epidural in her back cause they had a hard time with it cause of her back muscles from her one injury she had

Kevin waited as he waited, he did a live video to update everyone on the babies, and the fans wished him well before the babies were born

"Okay we are ready for you now" the nurse tells him as she came out after Fawn had the epidural in her back, and was laying down on the table and the sheet was covering her

"Don't worry Fawn everything is going to be okay I am going to be here the whole time" he says as he kisses her as he sat beside her as the c-section got started so they could see the babies 

Fawn nodded as the doctor said he was going to get started with the c-section cause she was ready to see the babies, and maybe hold them if she was lucky, and Kevin was recording for later for the babies to watch when they are older

"Guys this is what it was like on the day you were born" Kevin says as he scopes the operating room with the camcorder getting everything that he could of the doctor's and the nurses that were in the room at the time of the birth

Kevin got the clock to document the time of birth of the babies which was exciting for him cause he could not wait to do this when he had kids and now, he gets to do it

"Kevin, can you scratch my nose please?" she asks him as she twitches her nose

"Of course, kids this is your mom she is the greatest women in the whole world she is quite funny, has a great smile that could light up a room, girls if you want to play the flute older in life blame your mother cause that is the instrument that she plays. Your mom is a good egg when you get to know her, and never mess with her ever" he says as he was talking about Fawn to the camera

"The guy behind there is your dad and he is a great guy, and I love him to death and he has some great dance moves too" she says as she was talking to the camera some more as they were waiting to hear that they had found one of the quads

"Thanks babe" he says as he kisses her

"Baby A" the doctor says as he found the first baby

"What is it?" Fawn asks behind the curtain

"It's a boy" the doctor says as he holds the first baby up for Kevin to see as he cried from being torn from his home

"Christopher" Kevin says as he got teary eyed cause he was naming his first son after his dad, and the boys were going to have an H name as their middle name to honor Fawn's grandfather who passed away in 1999 due to heart disease

"Baby B" the doctor says as he found the second one of the quads

"What is it?" Fawn asks cause she had to think of who that one was

"It's a girl" the doctor says

"Catherine or Elizabeth you pick Kevin" Fawn says as she looks at him as they held the little girl up after she had been born

"Elizabeth" Kevin says as he got to cut her cord

Kevin started to cry when he heard her cry for the first time

"Baby C a boy" the doctor says as he pulled the third baby from his home

"K. J" Fawn says to the doctor as the doctor showed her K.J and what he looks like as well

Kevin kissed Fawn cause he loved his boys, and they were waiting for Catherine to be born so she could join her sisters

"Now we have to wait for Catherine" Kevin says as he waited patiently

"Kevin go to the others quick" Fawn tells him

Kevin goes and sees the kids for a brief second as they were being worked on after they were born

The doctor's decided to sew Fawn up since Catherine was taking her merry time being born, and it was safer too since she could grow more than her siblings

"Well, I guess she wants to stay inside for a little longer" Fawn says as she was waiting to see the others

"I guess so and I can't wait to feel her and talk to her some more" he says as they kissed

Christopher was brought over first and Fawn gave him a kiss on his forehead

"He looks like you Kevin" Fawn says when she saw Christopher for the first time all wrapped up in his blanket

"I know he does and he has your cute nose" Kevin says as he got to hold him for a little bit before Elizabeth was brought over

"Lizzy looks like you" Kevin says when he saw Elizabeth for the first time

Fawn couldn't believe that Lizzy looked like her but she had some of her dad in her too

K.J was the last one to be brought over to bond cause the nurses wanted to do kangaroo care while they waited for the incubators to be brought in so the babies could be loaded

"They look so cute" Kevin sr. says when he saw the babies all together

"Perfect in their little way" she says as she kissed each of the babies on the head as they waited since they could not do much

Fawn decided to feed the boys their first meal which they took happily from mom while Lizzy was with daddy, and spending some one-on-one time with him while she waited her turn to be fed too


Kevin took care of the boys while Fawn had Lizzy in her arms, and she sounded like she was struggling to breathe

V & C

New chapter next Friday night or tomorrow night 

That chapter is up 

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