Having the girls back

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Nordonia wanted to go on with daddy and she was not allowed by Lucy and her family

"Lucy they are my daughters, and if they want to be with me they can be with me I was the one that found them and raised them as my own, not you. You dirty piece of trash" Fawn says as she looks at Lucy with fire in her eyes, and she was ready to attack her full force, and nothing was going to stop her either she was ready to go and have this be an actual fight for the books

"Yeah right they are mine now, so kiss them goodbye," Lucy says to Fawn cause she was ready to keep them, but Fawn wasn't going down without a fight

"We will see after this battle cause you are so going down Cook and you will stay there," Fawn says cause the babies were going on next, and Kevin was going to have the girls brought up on stage as well to be with him cause he loved them and nothing was going to tear that apart

The girls danced with Kevin and sat by him for a slow song when the babies were on stage with daddy

"This is going to win it for sure, and the girls will be ours," Fawn says as she looks at Lucy with an evil look in her eyes, and she knew this was going to clutch the victory for the girls

The judges were going to tally the score and tell the winner soon

"Sweetie, we got the girls back I can feel it, and everything will be back to normal, and we will have our daughters back in our lives where they belong" Kevin says out of breath cause he just danced for his life to get the girls back in his life cause they were daddy's girl's, and he loved that part of being a dad and being their dad was an honor

"I know babe," she says as the judges came on to say the winner of the contest

"The winner is Kevin" the judges say to Kevin, and he breaks down cause he is so happy he won for the kids, and the girls were one step closer to being back with them for good and he was going to hug them, and never let them go either

"Who won the other fight?" Fawn asks them cause she was wondering that as she held K.J this time and Kevin had Lizzy in his arms since she wanted daddy to hold her

"We decided you won since you were riding your heart out, and Lucy didn't care and seeing the babies made the decision easier too," the judge tells her

Fawn was overjoyed she had the girls back after one more, and that was the skating race or the swim off to determine the winner when she healed from the c-section

"Sweetie what is going to be the last contest?" he asks as they were heading home with the girls cause Nordonia knew how to fight, and she escaped and went with mommy and daddy Olympic didn't have a choice, so she was too weak right now since she has not eaten at all

"Princess, can you get in your car seat for mommy?" Fawn asks as Kevin went to get Olympic and have her be with her sister once more, and Lucy was going to get the other one back

Nordonia was in and she was buckled in as well on her own which was a surprise to Fawn and Kevin

"Good girl I am going to buckle your sister in, and we will head home to celebrate the victory" Fawn says as Lucy came over to get Nordonia and Ravenna but Fawn locked the door so Lucy couldn't get to her at all, and Nordonia was grateful for mommy being there to help her out cause there was only so much she could do on her own

Fawn was going to have Nordonia feel Katie move inside of mommy cause Fawn has to tell her that she was a big sister to her new siblings

"Mommy, you have the babies?" Nordonia asks her when she sees mommy's belly a little smaller then it was before

"I had three of them K.J, Lizzy, and Christopher they are heading back up to be with Jackson, so they can get bigger, and you can see them when they have grown a little bit sweetie right now only daddy and me can see them" Fawn says as she talked about the babies a little bit to the preschooler, and she was happy with that as well, and could not wait to go home and be with her siblings as well cause she loved her siblings a lot

Kevin came with Olympic and she was not happy at all, and he was going to take her to get looked at

"Hey babe" Fawn says as she was going to get in front so they could head home

"We have to get Olympic checked out, and another little girl Lucy had locked up too," Kevin says as he came with the girls in his arms cause they could not walk

"Okay that's fine," Fawn says as she was going to get in front, so Kevin could buckle the little girl in so they could head home

Katie was being a good girl for mommy as they headed there

"I love having all of the girls back in our arms darling," Fawn says as they headed to the hospital to get Olympic, and the new girl checked out and see if she was okay cause Olympic didn't look like herself at all and that kind of worried Fawn a lot cause she was fragile

"I know you do babe," he says as he blows her a kiss as he was heading to the hospital to get the girls checked out

"I missed you, mommy," Nordonia says as she looks at mommy with tears in her eyes cause she really did miss her mommy a lot when she was with Lucy

"I missed you too baby doll," Fawn says as she was trying to clean her up a little bit since she looked a mess

The new girl was scared as they were heading to the hospital to get the girls checked out

"Little one it's okay we are going to see about you is all cause you look banged up is all," he says as he looked at her as he was looking back at her as he was at the light cause it was red

"Yeah then we will see about your parents, and see where they are," Fawn says as she was comforting her since she was scared of who she was with, and what will happen to her as well

Kevin was going to get food for the girls and Fawn since she was still pregnant and she still needed to eat, and they were going to eat at the park so the girls could play while Kevin and Fawn watched them and Nordonia played happily after she ate Olympic could not eat and the new girl didn't eat as well and that worried Kevin and Fawn a lot

"This is not good Kevin at all" Fawn says as she looks at the girls who were not eating at all

"I know it isn't, and I am really worried," he says as they were going to go to the hospital now with all of the girl's and have them get looked at and see what was going on with them and why they were like that as well and it was scary enough

"Do you girls need to go potty?" Fawn asks cause they were going to go to the hospital

Nordonia nods cause she had to go and they were going to go

"Olympic it's okay," Fawn says as Kevin was carrying the two girls since Fawn had the stroller that had Ravenna in it, and she was talking up a storm and they knew she was going to be the chatterbox one of the girls when she was older in life

Nordonia was a happy girl as she went potty and mommy went in with her cause she had to go as well


"Now to the hospital," he says once all of the girls were buckled in their car seats

"Yes," Fawn says as she looks at her bump where Katie was kicking up a storm

"I am going to get you checked out too, and see if the last one is going to be coming" he says as he looks at Fawn cause he was worried about her as well since she was pregnant and she could go into labor or there could be something wrong with Katie as well and he didn't want that to happen

This story is moving along just fine

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