Disneyland part 2

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"Ready to go have some fun now Olympic?" he asks her after he had paid for everything 

She nods as she looks up at him cause she was ready to have some fun a little bit 

"Okay come on we are going to have a lot of fun today, and you and Nordonia can be princesses for the day," he says as he carries her to where the others were at which was the boutique, and he was going to make her feel like a princess like she should

Kevin made it just as Nordonia and the older girls were going to go back to get their makeovers. He was going to talk to the guys and be with Ravenna since Ravenna was too little for a makeover just yet as his daughters were getting makeovers in the boutique that morning. Cause he respected them during girl time which was needed for both girls right now. Since both girls have been on a serious roller coaster ride

"Hi Ravenna. How are you doing baby" he says when he sees her outside the salon with the guys since the girls were getting makeovers, and going to get pretty for the day at Disney which was needed for both girls since they had such a tough life up to that point, and it was going to get easier from here on out 

Ravenna coos up at him

"Is Olympic, okay?" Darrin asks Kevin after a while

"No, she isn't we just found out some good and unwelcome news, and i don't want to talk about it" Kevin says as he holds Ravenna in his arms as her sister was going to look like a princess

"What's the unwelcome news?" Jonathan asks him a little curious 

"Her parents passed away from an auto accident" Kevin says to the group as he explained how her parents died

"The good news?" Jacob asks him after they had heard the unwelcome news

"She has a sibling that is very small right now I will see the hospital and everything and go from there I guess right now with her, so she can meet the sibling" Kevin says as he takes Ravenna shopping for her first ears so she could have a pair of ears just like sissy was going to have once she was done with her makeover and she was going to feel like a princess

Kevin found the perfect pair of ears for Ravenna to have on her little head as they were going through the park

"Daddy going to get a pair for himself, mommy and the new baby or babies" he says as he pays for the ears cause he got one of each color for the baby or babies cause that what he was thinking for the gender reveal when they find out the sex of the baby or babies when he takes the girls home in a few weeks cause it is going to go by quick and the girls will be home in time to see the baby, and find out if they are having a brother or a sister. That time is going to be exciting for all of them


"Nordonia, you look very pretty stand still so I can get a picture for mommy, so she can see how beautiful you look" he says as he takes a picture to send to mommy so she could see how pretty the girls look on vacation with daddy at Disney land

Nordonia stands perfectly still as he got her picture for mommy

"Perfect Nordonia" he says to her as they start to head for the castle so he could get a picture of the girls in front of the castle for Fawn as well

Nordonia had other ideas

"Where are you going princess?" he asks her

"Potty" she says to him cause she knew when she had to go 

"Oh, okay sweetie" he says as he takes the opportunity to change Ravenna and get her into her princess outfit as well for the picture that was going to be going to Fawn cause he wanted the picture to be perfect for her

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