Seeing what happened to Olympics parents

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"First let's get you a princess dress to wear Nordonia and you can get one too Olympic, so you girls can be princesses for the day while we're here, and you can pick whatever princess you want to be" he says to the little girl who was walking behind Nordonia since Lea was taking the lead on the ring rope so the girls stayed right with them and Darrin volunteered to be the caboose of the ring rope so the girls could stay in line and not venture off to do something else or go somewhere else either

Nordonia was excited to get her very first princess dress to wear as they were in the park cause she was excited to be dressed like a princess and feel like a princess that day with daddy, and maybe get some autographs of her favorite characters while they were in the park that day cause she wanted to remember this for the rest of her life cause it was a day out with daddy, and no one was going to take that away from her at all 

"What dress would you like sweetie? Cause there is a lot to pick from, so you can be any princess you want, and you can get two dresses if you want" he asks her as they entered the shop to get the dress and maybe a hat or two, so her eyes won't get blinded by the sun as they were going about their day in the park cause Kevin didn't want the girl's eyes ruined

"Cinderella," she says to him cause she loved Cinderella's dress cause it was very sparkly and it was daddy's favorite color

"Okay two Cinderella dresses for Nordonia and Olympic would you like to be Belle or a different princess?" he asks her as he shows her Belle's dress that he had picked out for her to wear as they went about their day in the park and a hat that she might want to wear 

Olympic just nods and keeps to herself as she got the dress and a hat to wear to keep the sun out of her eyes as she walked the park

"Olympic is there something wrong little one? If there, is you can me cause you can tell me anything that is on your mind, and we can work it out" he asks as he pays for the dresses for the girls to wear while they were at Disney world cause he wanted the girls to be princesses cause they had a rough life so far, and he wanted them to forget about it, and just be little girls 

She shakes her head as Kevin continues to pay for the dresses

"If something is wrong you need to tell me so we can work it out cause we work it out if something is bugging you" he says as he picks her up and holds her a little bit since Nordonia was a happy girl with her dress and she wanted to try it on and wear it in the park. He was okay with that

She lays her head on Kevin's shoulder a little bit as he held her close to him

"She's being noticeably quiet right now, so something is bugging her for sure Kevin. She is keeping noticeably quiet about what that is" Jenna says as she looks at the little girl that Kevin had in his arms while Nordonia was shopping for Ravenna so she could be a princess too even though she is a baby and doesn't understand it

"I know we can go to the boutique, and they can make her feel like a princess for sure that will bump her spirits up, and make her feel better, and maybe she will be better" Lea suggest to Kevin who had Olympic in his arms and who was not incredibly happy to be at the happiest place on earth at all

"Guys take Nordonia and Ravenna for a little bit I'm going to see if there are any leads with Olympics' parents, or relatives to see if they will take her in or if her parents have been found, and talk to Fawn for a little bit to see what we can do cause I hate to have her go through the whole day feeling like this, and maybe I will be adopting her as my other daughter if she hasn't got nobody" Kevin says to the group as he leaves to go to a private part of the park to call to see what was going on with the investigation about Olympics' parents, or family members to see if she could go and stay with them instead of the park where she lived now   

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