Karma Drunk from Wine

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Okay prompt from myotpisabsolute. This is just a small cute oneshot to start off this series. Enjoy~

E-class was in the middle of another not so normal English class, that included kissing techniques and seduction lessons. Bitch-sensei was at the front of the class, teaching how to get 50 hits with her French kissing technique. "In order to first get someone to notice you-" Nagisa's thoughts drifted off while he looked out the window. He looked back when Karma suddenly piped up, "I w-wanna pra-practice with someone."

Nagisa couldn't believe his ears, 'Karma never wants to participate in class!' He thought something was wrong since Karma was stuttering. When Nagisa turned to look, he saw Karma drapped over his desk, this would have been normal of Karma's face hadn't been completely red.

Before Nagisa knew what he was doing be had bolted to the back of the classroom and had put one hand over Karma's forehead. The rest of the class just stared at Nagisa's quick actions.

Nagisa realised everyone was looked at him and looked up, "I-i thought maybe he might have a fever." Karma was slightly giggling at Nagisa's hand on his head, Nagisa stared confused along with everyone else in the room.

Bitch-sensei had a frown come across her face, "I was wondering where that went..." Then she sighed. "Nagisa, please take Karma to the infirmary." Nagisa freaked out, "Why?! Is he okay?!"

"Yes, he's just drank some of my wine, it went missing this morning. He probably didn't realise it was alcohol, he steals our food and drinks from time to time from the staff room." Bitch-sensei sighed again, a few of the people in room snickered at Karma.

He wasn't listening to anyone and seemed to just be staring at Nagisa. "I want to pr-practice kissing with N-nagisa." Nagisa's face heated up, everyone in the class was smirking at them.

Nagisa decided to get Karma to the infirmary before he made more of an idiot of himself. Nagisa helped Karma up but he was unbalanced so he held on to Nagisa's shoulders. Nagisa held Karma up as they walked to the door of the classroom, Karma even hiccuped a few times.

As they made it to the front of the class, Karma was getting a bit more balanced and was able to not have to lean on Nagisa so much, he loosened his grip on Nagisa's shoulders and his hands travelled lower until one was across Nagisa's backside. The whole class giggled and Nagisa's face turned red once more, Nagisa moved the hand up again so it was on his back and continued out the door.

They made their way to the infirmary and Nagisa made Karma lie down on the bed, Nagisa got Karma a glass of water for Karma and sat down next to him. "Nagisaaa~ I'm hot." Nagisa leaned over and put his hand on Karma's forehead again, "You feel hot but you're shivering! I don't know what to do..." Nagisa put the blanket over Karma but he whined and tried to kick it off, "I'm hotttt."

Nagisa made Karma sit up and gave him the cup of water, Karma drank it and gave the cup back to Nagisa. Nagisa put it down and moved in front of Karma's face, "Karma, I need you to listen to me." Karma nodded. "You drank some of Bitch-sensei's wine and you're drunk." Karma shook his head, "I'm n-not."

He stopped talking and started shivering again, Nagisa got flustered and didn't know what to do, he made Karma lie down again and rest. "Na-gi-sa~" Karma grabbed Nagisa and pulled him on top of him, so that Nagisa was straddling him. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Nagisa yelled while blushing and looking anywhere but Karma. Karma laughed, Nagisa just moved off of Karma and lay down next to him, Karma snaked his arms around Nagisa and was soundly snoozing in seconds. Nagisa sighed and snuggled into Karma's chest, falling into a deep sleep as well.

This is just a short one-shot my other ones should be longer. This one took me two days to write, I just wanted to continue this story sooner rather than later. I hope you like and thank myotpisabsolute for the first prompt, next one is from @minhtrang1789. Thanks for reading guys~ Then next chapter will be out in a few days or so.
Later that day Nagisa and Karma didn't show up for any more classes and a few people went to check on them. Nakamura, Maehara, Sugino and Kayano went to the infirmary after school and found Koro sensei at the door with a pink face. The four raised an eyebrow and walked up to him, Nakamura called out to the currently pink teacher, "Yo, Koro Sens-" she was cut off by Koro sensei shushing her.

He looked into the room again and then the other four looked in too, and there was Nagisa and Karma asleep in each other's arms both with soft blushes on their faces. (Karma's may or may not have been from the alcohol.)

Nakamura smirked and took a photo with her phone, Kayano and Sugino were shocked and Maehara just smiled. Koro sensei was muttering about writing a new boys love novel. The four just sweatdropped and observed the adorable scene before them. Nakamura suddenly whispered, "You don't think they did... That... Do you?"
Kayano squealed, "No! Nagisa's too innocent they wouldn't do that!"
Sugino nodded his head in agreement with Kayano.
Maehara smirked, "But Karma is drunk."
They all thought for a moment.
Koro sensei now had a cross on his face, "No, they are under aged and Nagisa wouldn't break the rules."
They agreed and dropped the subject.

"They look so cute, I wish they would get together already." Sugino pouted.
Nakamura was checking out the photos on her phone, "I'm sending these to everyone I the class."

The next day Karma and Nagisa kept getting strange looks from their classmates, and neither knew why, Nagisa didn't know they had seen and Karma couldn't remember anything that had happened the day before.

The extra became too long, oops. Comment any scenarios you want! I look forward to hearing from you!

KarmaXNagisa Drunk One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now