Drunk(?) Karma with Nagisa ft. Asano

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Hello,~~~ I know it's been a long time but I've finally finished this one-shot. Prompt from chiirizu. Thank you all so much for being patient. Well then on with the story!!! :D


It had been several years since class 3-E had graduated. Nagisa had bumped into Asano randomly one day; walking down the street. Literally. Nagisa had been carrying groceries and his vision had been mostly obscured. Asano, on the other hand, had been in the middle of a phone call to his boss. The two had been occupied with their respective activities, Nagisa's being not dropping his bag full of fruit and veg and Asano's being trying to calm his freaking-out boss. As Nagisa walked along the footpath he felt the groceries in his arms shift and he jolted the bags to prevent them from slipping out of his hands. He moved them upwards, thus further blocking his view. He was about to move them again to a more desirable position when he felt himself run into something with enough force to make him drop his groceries and fall back towards the ground. Nagisa wasn't hurt and in fact he was more worried for the person whom he'd impacted with.

Asano had grit his teeth as he walked home, he gently stomped his feet as he walked. His annoying boss was rubbing him the wrong way with every word he uttered over the phone. As Asano whipped his head to the side to give his boss a piece of his mind, he felt himself run into another person carrying a paper bag filled to the brim with what felt like fruit and veg. The person fell back from the impact of hitting Asano. Asano's fury immediately died down instantly replaced with guilt. He mumbled a half-assed excuse and hung up the call to his boss. He bent down to help the person who fell down, extending an arm to them, "I'm so, so sorry. I spaced out and didn't see you walking." Nagisa took the hand graciously and pulled himself up, "No, it's really okay. I wasn't watching where I was going either."

Asano then moved behind Nagisa and picked up the brown paper bag that had fallen with the fall. Nagisa joined and picked up the few products that had rolled out of the bag and was glad to see none seemed to be damaged. He uttered a small thank you as Asano handed the bag back to the small-statured bluenette, but as he did this Nagisa realised the stranger in front of him looked quite familiar and suddenly it hit him, knowing who was in front of him. "Asano Gakushuu?!" Nagisa couldn't mask the shock in his voice and hoped it hadn't come across in a rude manner.

Asano frowned in surprise as the person knew his identity. From Asano's reaction, Nagisa knew he didn't recognise him, although he didn't really blame him. They weren't exactly close or anything. So he continued, "We used to go to school together. Kunugigaoka Junior High. You probably don't remember me, I was in E class." Nagisa nervously scratched the back of his head. Asano studied Nagisa's face for a few seconds and his eyes suddenly widened, "Oh, I do remember. Shiota right?" Nagisa smiled, "That's right."

Asano swallowed hard then looked at the ground. That time in his life isn't one he was proud of, "I feel as though I should apologise for the times back then. For my father. For the way we and I treated you. For everything." Nagisa placed his hands upon Asano's shoulders and brought him up to face him again, "Please don't apologise, that was a long time ago and I can see myself that you've changed for the better." Nagisa gestured to the few oranges in Asano's hands. Gakushuu smiled softly. Nagisa could see that the strawberry blonde in front of him was still guilt-stricken.

"Okay then, how about I let you shout me dinner to make up for it? Meet me outside the restaurant that is in front of the station tonight at... 8."

Asano was surprised, to say the least. "Uh okay..." He didn't really know what to say, there was too much on his mind for him to add any further comments. The blunette in front of him beamed and finished packing his paper bags with the fallen products. "Okay, see you then!" And he kept walking down the street at a slightly faster pace. Asano didn't move for a good minute, he was thinking about what had just happened in his mind. When he finally realised that he was just standing in the middle of the pavement, he unlocked his phone and added an alarm for 8:00 pm to head to the restaurant he now had plans for. He smiled softly and continued to walk along the walkway.

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