Drunk crossdressing Nagisa

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Hello, I know it's been a while but look I made a new chapter :D. Okay this prompt came from OtakuNerd3104 . Thank you! Warning: semi lemon in this chapter. Innocents beware. Here we go~
"You're on." These were the two words that Nagisa regretted ever saying to Karma. They had betted over something small and meaningless and Nagisa had lost, he now had to do everything that Karma said for a day. Nagisa reluctantly walked up to Karma's house. He knocked on the door and Karma opened it immediately.
Nagisa blinked twice, "That was fast."
Karma just chuckled, "I was waiting for you." Nagisa sighed and walked into Karma's house.
Nagisa sat down in the living room and awkwardly asked, "So how is this going to go?"

"Simple. I'll tell you what to do and you'll do it." Karma dropped down next to Nagisa on the couch, making it sink quite a fair bit. Nagisa looked to Karma with a slight flustered expression, "I can't believe I have to do this." He let out a small sigh.
Karma stood up looking at the clock on the wall, "Since it is only 11:10 how about the first thing I ask you to do is to cook me lunch?"
Nagisa sat up straight, "I'm uh not really good at cooking..."
Karma's eyes hardened and Nagisa stopped talking, "You'll make me lunch and then we'll eat together, okay?"
Nagisa looked at his feet, "Fine." Nagisa walked to the kitchen, "What do you want?"
"Sushi. I bought the ingredients."
Nagisa searched through the drawers and found an apron, he put it on, it was a light orange colour. He started to prepare to make sushi. As Nagisa worked he thought to himself while his face started to blush, 'Karma is going to eat my cooking! Isn't that what couples do? I mean sure I like him but... He doesn't like me... AGHHHH! I'm getting so nervous.'
As Nagisa worked he didn't realise that Karma had disappeared. Nagisa finished making the sushi and put it all on a plate. He looked around and realised Karma was gone. "Karma? The sushi is done."
"Ah, come here." Nagisa walked to Karma's room and found him looking through his closet muttering things like, "Where is it?" And "I was sure I put it here..." Nagisa stood at the doorway, "Is everything oka-"
"I FOUND IT!" Karma stepped back from his closet holding a small plastic package in the air. Karma looked over at Nagisa with a devil smirk, Nagisa gulped, "Karma? W-what is it?" Karma threw the package at Nagisa, "Put this on."
Nagisa looked at the package, it was a cosplay outfit for a sexy maid. "I can't wear this!"
"Ehhh, you have to do everything I say today. Wear it." Karma walked to Nagisa and pushed him into the bathroom. 
Nagisa cried out but didn't put up any fight. Nagisa stood in the bathroom alone. He then took a closer look at the outfit. It had a the classic black and white colours. The dress was black with a white apron to go on top. He tied it at the back into a bow. It also came with black stockings and a maid headband. Nagisa put it all on a looked in the mirror. It was short. Like seriously short. If Nagisa leaned over in any way you could see underneath.

Nagisa was still wearing his boxers

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Nagisa was still wearing his boxers. But they were visible. He opened the door and walked out, Karma frowned whispering to himself, "I forgot." He picked up a box from his closet and pushed Nagisa back into the bathroom with the box. Nagisa sighed exasperatedly.
He opened the box and found black lace panties inside, Nagisa's face heated up just from looking at them, "KARMA, WHY DO YOU HAVE THESE?!"
"Dunno. Just put it on."
Nagisa whimpered as he took it out of the box, he slipped out of his boxers and put on the black lace underwear. He opened the door once more. Karma smiled. Nagisa knew how he looked, it was super embarrassing, his face was blushing from embarrassment.
Karma took Nagisa's hand, "Ne? How about we have lunch now?"
They went back to the kitchen and Karma sat down while Nagisa got the sushi filled plate and brought it to the table. Karma called Nagisa over to him, "Feed me."
Karma opened his mouth, "Ahh~"
Nagisa picked up some chopsticks and held some sushi to Karma's mouth. Karma chomped half of it and got rice on his face he ate the other half and then realised it was on his face. "Hmm, Nagisa lick it off." He pointed to the rice on his face.
Nagisa stood staring blankly at him.
Karma waved a hand in front of his face, "Hello?"
Nagisa swallowed his remaining pride, he leaned down and licked the rice off of Karma's cheek, dangerously close to his mouth.
"Your cooking is incredible." Karma had let Nagisa sit down and eat some sushi too. Nagisa flushed, "Thank you."
They continued eating until Nagisa broke the silence, "I'm thirsty."
"Look in the fridge there should be something to drink there."
Nagisa got up and looked in the fridge, he found some grape cordial and got some of that. The stuff had an amazing flavour and Nagisa had about three to four glasses, he forgot how many. Nagisa sat back at the table, he had a small headache but he was mostly fine. They finished eating and Nagisa asked if there was anything he needed to do. Karma nodded, "Clean the book shelves."
He pointed to the living room. Nagisa was confused but moved to the living room with a duster, he started a the bottom and worked his way up, for the last shelf he had to go in his tiptoes to reach, oblivious to the fact that he was showing off his lace covered butt, well, until he felt Karma's hungry gaze on him. He whirled around and caught Karma staring at him.
Nagisa blushed, "Pervert." He covered his butt and tried to pull the dress down. Karma just smirked. Nagisa kept cleaning with Karma watching him, every now and again he would show off his butt more than necessary just to tease Karma. Nagisa finished and put the cleaning stuff away. He came back and tripped over his feet, Karma caught him but he felt dizzy. "Karma, I feel weird." Nagisa looked up, his eyes were tainted and not as bright as usual. Nagisa felt hot and made his way to the couch to sit down. Karma helped him.
Karma went to the kitchen and noticed the empty bottle of grape wine on the counter. He ran back to Nagisa and looked down at the poor boy. Nagisa had lay down holding his forehead between his hands. His whole face was beet red and his breaths were short and quick.
Karma felt two things simultaneously; worry and pure lust. Karma let in a shaky breath, he didn't want to take advantage of the currently vulnerable boy in front of him... But... The said teen was making it excruciatingly hard to control himself, with such soft hair, red blushing face, his small panting, those sexy smooth thighs that he was showing off-, Karma slapped his hands over his face, FOCAS GODDAMNIT!
Karma looked down again, Nagisa had shifted positions and had now leaned back completely, but in the process of that he had pulled the dress skirt right up to his groin unknowingly. Karma died then and there, he could see nearly everything through the black lace and what he couldn't see he could imagine since the underwear was so tight that it showed outlines.
Nagisa looked up at Karma, his head hurt but he was for some reason wanting to get closer to the red head. He felt hot but he wanted to hug Karma, he put his arms out and stood up. He had absolutely no balance and fell face first into Karma. The two fell over with Nagisa on top. Karma quickly checked if Nagisa was okay and he seemed fine. Nagisa whimpered, he hadn't meant to fall over and it had come as a shock.
He moved to get up since he was basically lying on the redhead, he moved his left leg in between Karma's legs to get up and instead pushed against ahem certain areas. Karma cried out and Nagisa looked surprised and halted his movement, he realised what he had done and went red in the face. "Ah, I'm so sorry." 
He tried to push himself up again in haste and instead lost his balance and fell down on the redhead before he could even get on his knees. This time both of them cried out, Nagisa had made his own member push against Karma's when he fell the second time. Nagisa could feel Karma was turned on, but he hadn't meant for that to happen. What Nagisa didn't realise was that he too, had gotten turned on from being up against Karma.
Nagisa lay there for a while since he was afraid to attempt to get up incase he did something wrong again. He waited until Karma made any attempt to get him off first. Karma put his hands on Nagisa's shoulders and rolled him over so he wasn't on him. Karma got up and looked down at the small, drunk, turned on boy.
Karma picked up Nagisa since there was no way he was getting up on his own. Nagisa went into some sort of giggling fit and clung to Karma's shoulders and started kicking his legs. Nagisa knocked Karma and he fell onto the couch. Karma protected Nagisa from getting squashed by keeping him on top of him. "Ah god, are you okay?!"
Nagisa nodded and stood up holding the couch to keep balance. Karma was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable from being turned on and moving around so much. Karma stood up suddenly, "You stay here. I'll be right back."
Nagisa pouted, "Nooooo."
"I'm just going to the bathroom."
"No you're not." Nagisa grinned. "I could help you with your little 'problem' y'know?" Nagisa slinked up beside Karma and ran his hands down the sides of his body.
Karma shivered and whispered hoarsely, "Not here." He led Nagisa to the bathroom and closed the door. Right as Karma closed the door Nagisa pulled Karma,s pants down and left him in his boxers, which he then too pulled down.
Karma's back was against the door and Nagisa had kneeled down in front of him; face in crotch. Nagisa licked up the side of Karma's member and did his best to pleasure the red head. Nagisa teased him for a while before finally sucking on the tip and then taking the full length in his mouth. Karma's face couldn't be redder and he was extremely embarrassed.
He eventually felt Nagisa about to pull back and before he could Karma pushed his face forward and pushed his dick down his throat. This came unexpected to Nagisa and he made a sound of confusion and shock. The vibration made Karma come down Nagisa's throat. "Ahhhhhhh!"
Karma waited until he came down from his high and took the worn out blunette up to his room. He let him sleep there. Karma put Nagisa in the bed and pulled the covers up. Karma didn't miss the chance to sneak a few shots of Nagisa in the maid dress beforehand and sent one to Kayano since she had been there when they had made the bet. Kayano sent back: 'OMG what did you doooo? Lol.' Karma sat on a chair and watched over Nagisa as he slept and before long he feel asleep as well.
---The next morning---
Karma woke to the sound of Nagisa groaning. Karma sat up, his neck ached since he had slept in a chair but he imagined Nagisa felt worse with his hangover. Karma looked up and found Nagisa half sitting up holding his forehead with one hand. Karma rushed over to Nagisa's side and asked if he was okay. Nagisa was still waking up so he groaned again and lay his head down on his pillow.
Karma waited for Nagisa to get his bearings, it took a few minutes. When Nagisa finally wasn't in so much pain, he sat up and looked around where he was. He looked at Karma, "What am I doing here? I have a headache and I ...don't remember how I got here..." He trailed off. Karma gulped, 'Nagisa doesn't remember anything'. "How much do you remember?"
Nagisa scrunched up his face, "Well... I remember I lost the bet and I came to your place since I had to do what you say for a day. Uhh.... AH YOU MADE ME WEAR A MAID COSTUME!" Nagisa pointed a finger accusingly. Karma winked, "It was apart of the bet." Nagisa sighed and continued, "How does that lead to me being here?"
Karma paused... "Well... You drank grape wine by accident... You probably thought it was something else and then..." Karma stopped, 'Should I tell him about the blowjob? I mean it's not like he likes me he was just drunk sooo, that made him do it. I'm sure it meant nothing, he didn't mean to get intimate with me... It was an accident in the first place anyway.' "Uhhm, well long story short I let you sleep in my bed since you were drunk."
"Oh, okay. I feel a lot better now." Nagisa smiled. "Do you have my things? I'll probably need to get going soon then huh?"
"I have your phone here." Karma grabbed it from the bed side table. Nagisa turned it on and saw he had heaps and heaps of messages. They were all from his classmates. He opened some and they were all about him in the maid costume. Nagisa looked up Karma, "WHO DID YOU TELL?!!" Karma looked down and laughed, what he could see was a message from Nakamura saying, 'Saw that pic of you in the maid dress, always knew that there was a secret side to you. ;) haha'
Karma looked back at Nagisa, "I showed Kayano, she must have shown the rest of them." He shrugged.
Nagisa looked annoyed, "I'm getting revenge. You have to dress up now."
"No! I have no reason to have to listen to you." Karma loomed over Nagisa.
"Yes! You showed everyone! That's not fair."
".......... Fine...." Karma felt bad.
In the end Nagisa had Karma wear the same dress he had on, a sailor costume and the girls uniform (which he got when Rio came over when she heard Karma had to dress up.)
Well then thank you for reading. I hope you liked. Please leave a comment. Next chapter prompt is from PidgeonChildJFX.

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