Karma Drunk, Innocent Nagisa

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Prompt from @minhtrang1789 I feel like this is bad quality... But I tried my best. Please enjoy~
"Karmaaaa. We're not meant to be doing thiiiiis!" Nagisa said while tugging on Karma's arm.

"Aw, c'mon it's just a bit of alcohol, a little isn't going to hurt."

"Yes Karma, a little won't hurt but a lot will! You've had much more than a little!" Nagisa pointed his finger accusingly at the red head. The red head laughed. "You're going to get drunk." Nagisa muttered.

All of the E class students had gotten their hands on different types of alcohol and they had decided to drink it before anyone could stop them.

And sure enough about 30 minutes later and after Karma's fourth bottle of beer he was drunk just as Nagisa had predicted. Nagisa had only had small sips of different types wines to try them, he hadn't gotten drunk. He went to Karma who was definitely drunk and helped him up from the ground where he was sitting in a heap. Although Nagisa struggled he did eventually get Karma up.

Nagisa had decided to take Karma home, koro sensei couldn't help though, he was in America and he didn't know that everyone had gotten drunk. Nagisa shifted Karma so he was leaning on his back while standing next to him. Karma giggled and went behind Nagisa, only to drape himself over Nagisa's back.

Nagisa had been turning to face Karma when he did that but fell from the weight. Karma ended up on top of Nagisa while laughing. Nagisa unconsciously put his hands on Karma's chest as the fell and they were now in quite a suggestive position. "Karma! What are you doing?!" Some people in the room looked over at them and Rio was one of the people who commented, "Go Karma! Get yourself some!"

Nagisa hadn't been blushing before since Karma was drunk, but he was now. Karma laughed again and smirked at the smaller boy beneath him.

Nagisa squirmed, "Karma get off."

"I don't wanna." Karma was slurring his words. Nagisa pushed at Karma, if took him a few tries but he eventually made enough of a gap between them to wriggle out from under him. "Karma, I need to take you home. You are drunk and need to rest." Nagisa picked up Karma again and left the room.

The whole time all the girls in the room (mostly Rio) were squealing on the inside. Rio smirked, "I hope they finally get together tonight, it's so obvious they like each other." Everyone else nodded and agreed.

Nagisa steered Karma down the hallway until Karma got dizzy and started to sway on his feet. Nagisa entered the closest room and sat Karma down in a chair. Nagisa found a tap in the room and gave Karma some water. Nagisa kneeled in front of Karma, "Are you okay? Do you need anything else?" His voice was full of care and worry.

Karma pulled Nagisa close and hugged him. Nagisa hugged back and found him self comfortable in the strong arms of the redhead. They stayed in each other's arms for what could have been either a minute or an hour, it didn't matter to them. Karma smelt Nagisa's hair and he couldn't tell if he was already drunk or if he was getting drunk from the heavenly smell.

They pulled apart after a while and Karma mumbled something to soft for Nagisa to hear. Nagisa moved closer and asked Karma to repeat himself. "I-i l-love you-o." Karma was having trouble speaking and he seemed half in a daze. Nagisa's face went red, he moved closer to Karma, "Do you mean that, o-or are you just-..."

He was cut off when Karma kissed Nagisa suddenly, Nagisa held onto Karma's arms and kissed back totally lost in the feeling of kissing his lifetime crush. Karma swept his tongue over Nagisa's bottom lip trying to deepen the kiss, Nagisa granted him access and Karma's tongue entered his mouth. Nagisa pulled back for air after a moment and fell to the ground slowly. He had slight tears in the corner of his eyes and he was panting. There was saliva running down his chin which he wiped off.

Karma smirked at Nagisa, "D-does that answer your q-question?" He was still messing up his words but he got the message across to Nagisa. Karma stared down at the blunette sitting in the floor, 'he's so damn good looking.' Nagisa got up off the floor and splashed water on his face. Once he calmed down he took a deep breath, walked up to Karma and whispered in his ear, "Yes that answers my question and I love you too."

They stayed in the room until Karma was sober enough to walk home. They got to his house and Nagisa tucked Karma into his bed. Karma wasn't affected too much from the alcohol now and just lay down looking at Nagisa. Nagisa signed and leaned down to kiss Karma on the forehead. Karma made a small noise of appreciation and pulled the covers up to his nose, the rest of his visible face turning a light pink colour. Nagisa giggled and turned to leave, but Karma grabbed Nagisa's arm and pulled him next to him in the bed. Karma pulled Nagisa close and fell alseep, Nagisa snuggled into Karma's warm chest and got more and more sleepy before he fell asleep as well.
The next morning when Karma woke up there was a hand snaked around his waist, he turned and saw Nagisa next to him. Memories from the day before rushed to his mind and he remembered everything.

Nagisa stirred next to Karma and opened his eyes. Karma smirked, "Good morning~" Nagisa buried his face in Karma chest once again. Karma raised Nagisa's face and kissed him on the lips, it was chaste but enough, he whispered in Nagisa's ear, "Don't worry, I didn't forget anything about yesterday." Nagisa smiled, "Good."

They then proceeded to sleep all day since Karma was hungover. Nagisa looked after him all day.

Comment prompts guys! I'm open to everything! I don't mind mature either! Please comment some ideas, I really want to continue writing. Thank you for reading

Next chapter prompt from @Karmagisa, look out for it!

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