Chapter one

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If you don't leave your past in the past,it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer,not for yesterday had taken away.

Looking at my present and future I dare say that I've done well. Decisions can make or break once it's done. For me deciding for what would be the best for my future is really hard. But whatever the aftermath brings,it always makes me happy at the end of the day.

"He is now a bachelor once again,free and very much available"

I ignored what she was saying,its not really a news for me to hear,when you knew it before someone else's told you.

That news was on the international papers that she read last month. She went anxious a few days after reading the news. But reminding herself that she doesn't have anymore feelings for him calmed her down. Not that she wanted to know what was happening to him. It was an accident that she found out. Curiosity was kicking inside but she don't want to ask.

"He visited my husband last month,Geoff didn't said much about the visit and I respect that it is between the two of them,he just mention that,Thaddeus will take an off from everything..."

"I'm not interested!"

"Everything means he'll be gone from the business world and from the eye of the media,he want his privacy,that is not really his thing,anyway! His sister will take over the island while he is away in awhile" I raised my eyebrows on her.

"Lei,I said I am not interested on what was happening to him,what happened between us before was done,finished,end of the story that's it"

His divorce with his ex wife was not my business. A long time ago after he dropped me like a hot potato. It was the end of everything between us,the end of all the thing I could keep up to connect to him and vanished.

Lei shook her head.

I don't wanna go back where I fell down and crawled until I learned to stand on my own again. I also learned that the only people was left on your side are the only true to their words to stay by your side through thick and thin. I just got lucky those time that I fell there's a couple who helped me up and never left my side.

She had felt like a total failure and had worked out the moment that it had been all gone. It would have been great to have your dream job and the dream guy,in your dream fairy tale life. But possibly hoping for that had been downright greedy,it was greedy on top of it.

In reality she had fallen inlove with the wrong guy and had taken her life apart. All the lessons she had learned while growing up had been forgotten. Her dreams put on hold,while she followed her dream man.

Her parents was so disappointed on what had happened to their only daughter. When she had to listen in tolerant silence to her mother's regret for the freedom she had thrown away by becoming a single parent. Her father who was adoring her since she can remember became cold. Eventually,it came to his senses that his daughter needed his support,needed the love and care she could have to survive the cruelty of reality. She had precious little excuse for her foolishness and lack of foresight.

Ever since then,she had been beating herself up for her mistake,the only one to blame was herself. Everyone hinted their dissaproval from the very start. I ignored them,thinking that they thought of her lowly when I decided to gave Thaddeus and I a chance. A chance I shouldn't have given in the first place,because it was a foolish decision. That in the end left her broken into a thousand pieces. Now I've become older,wiser and stronger,for the sake of my kids.

"But what about your kids? They do deserve to know who are their father is,don't you think?"

I close my eyes,I remember how Kairos have asked about his daddy many times this past few months,since they started going to school. All I can do is make an excuses and bear the pain of disappointment I saw in his turquoise eyes that he inherited from his father,same with Iyonna and Ariadna.

"I've been there done that,I know how it feels,I can't even imagine how did you survived on your own this long? More than five years Farah,more than five years! And don't tell me you are not hiding,because I think you are"

She was suddenly eager to bring the discussion to an end.

"Babe! Its her descicion,we are here to support her and please do not spoil our vacation,I know how much you wanted Farah to have a happy life like what we have but it is her personal space we are out of it"

Thankful that Geoffrey step in just in time because I wouldn't know what to say to her without making her feel more upset.

Shilei and Geoffrey have been so good to me and to my kids. They are one of the reason why I survive the past five years. I wouldn't be here without their help.

"I know babe,I don't care if I interfere in her life,that's how sisters does,I just want her kids to have what they deserve babe,like you did with George,they shouldn't be there,in that tiny place"

I just suddenly can't breath,what she said was true. With their father's wealth they supposedly doing what other rich kids does. But not them. I am not sure if they will ever be. I've started saving for their future. If I go back to London it'll be difficult for me financially. But if I stay in the Philippines the kids can have what they wanted,they can go to an exclusive school and I will not fear for their future.

I can feel tears starting to form on my eyes. I looked away from them,I don't want them to see me cry.

If it's not for my kids I wouldn't be here. It's once a year I have a chance to have a short vacation and we always spend it with the Kairosinis family. Shilei and Geoffrey are the only people who knew where we are. Even my parents doesn't know my whereabouts,since I left them to find myself. Except those unexpected reunions,Lei managed to bring my parents where we traveled. I literally shut everything in the past but not Lei.

Lei was the one who discovered my pregnancy during her visits in London. She's with Geoffrey that time,I can't hide it to her because she knew the signs more than I know what it is that time. I pleaded them not to let anyone knows about my condition. They comply but they didn't leave me on my own since then. Then until now they are still here supporting and helping me,endless.

"Babe,God have plans for everyone,I am sure that sooner or later it will be on it's way"

I shivered,what he said gives me goosebumps. I looked on his way,he's gaze is hard as if he's sending me a message that I could not read.

He is cuddling Lei,making her feel better. This is the time that I wish I have someone else with me. Someone who I can lean on when I don't feel any good at something. Someone who can make me feel better when I'm not. And someone who can love me the way I love him.

Once upon a time,there was someone whom I thought will last until we gets old and gray. But that's just me who dreamed of a lifetime with him. Because for him we are just for awhile. A relationship that last until he get fed up and find a new one. I've been a fool,now I'm paying the price.

"Remember how we met again after a couple of years? " Lei smiled "I do not know I would find you that building,years later I realized that maybe it was destiny that brings me there to finally found you and look at where we are now,we are happy and contented,it was not an easy journey for us the past few years but we made it,babe I think that Farah's destiny will come in the right time,not now maybe soon"

Lei held my that was rested on the table. I looked at her,hope is dancing in her eyes.

"When that time comes,I will be the happiest sister in the whole world ate!"

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