Chapter four

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"I'm sorry,Farrah,I don't want to be rude to him but I can't say no to my daughter,the dinner is alreAdy set for tonight I don't want to blow it away"

If this is just a different person we are talking about,it would be easier for me to say yes. But it was Thaddeus,and having dinner with him is the least thing I would do.

"I'm not sure,Curtis,I have deadlines to finish,I'm living on Friday,may I remind you?" Reminding him what I have on my schedule,trying to avoid the dinner later.

"I know,I know,honey,but I don't want to blew up this opportunity to interact with one of the biggest hotelier in the world,we are big and well-known,but,this is bigger than the publicist we hired" he is trying hard to explain,so he could convince me to agree.

"How about the other GM?" She suggested desperately.

"They are intimidated with his presence,you are my only hope,honey,please,just this one" he said in a pleading tone,suddenly she feel so bad.

Curtis and his family play a big part in my life,I know I can't just turn my back on them,specially him.

Just when I'm trying to avoid any close contact to Thaddeus,this happen.

At exactly six thirty in the evening someone knocked on the door of her residential cottage. She opened it just to be surprise when she saw a tall,good looking man. Wearing a very casual clothing with a formal face to match.

She's wearing one of the dresses she stocked up in her closet here in her room. As the leisure manager she is required to look good all the time. Dina always have dresses as a present to her everytime she travels. It almost overload her closets,she is thankful to her for that. The only problem she always have is looking for a pair of dress that will suits her liking. But tonight she did not bother,she just pick a dress and put it on. She doesn't want Thaddeus to think that she spend time to look good for him. When in truth is she doesn't care what she would look like in front of him.

"Are you ready to go?" Thaddeus have asked the moment they met gaze.

"Yes,I am"

One more glance inside her quarters,when she was sure everything is safe,she closed the door.

They will be walking to the restaurant,they doesn't have to ride a golfcart. The restaurant is just a walking distant from her cottage.

"Nice dress..." he complimented,she was about to response but stop "is that how you lure men into you? Dressing up fancy and reviling clothes" She felt a current of electric when his fingers linger on her bare back.

She suddenly stop from walking,her blazing feiry eyes darted him.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked,trying to ignore the weakening flow of his touch.

Wanted to make sure she heard him right.

"You heard me,I know that,don't play innocent when we both know you are not" she went rigid standing in front of him.

"What are you talking about?" Confused on his accusation on her.

His expressive lips quirked.

"You lure Miravella's lover to bed,while I was away" he said coldly,as if she's feeling the icy voice,she shivered.

When her mind digested what he just had said,she gritted her teeth,one step closer,she would have slapped him so hard.

"You're accusing me of bedding another man while we are still together?" She asked in disbelief,her hands are shaking "and of all people,Sandro?"

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