Gold will and always be Gold unless he's sad

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Silver pov:

"No, Gold get the fuck over here," I yelled as he ran all over the apartment.
He went into my room and yanked on my coat.
"Sooo comfy~" he mused. I lunged at him but he moved out of the way.
"You bastard!!"
He ran all over the place with my coat.
He was suddenly in the middle of the living room raping to the Song My Name is: by Eminem

"Hi! My name is (what?)
My name is (who?)
My name is
Slim Shady

Hi! My name is (huh?)
My name is (who?)
My name is
Slim Shady

Hi! My name is (what)
Excuse me,(my name is) (who? My name is)
Slim Shady
Can I get the attention of the class ( huh my name is, what my name is)
For one second my name is ( my name is Slim Shady)

Hi kids do you like violence? (yeah yeah yeah)
Wanna see me stick Nine inch nails, through each one of my eyelids? (Uh-huh!)
Wanna copy me and do exactly like I did?(Yeah yeah!)
Try 'cid and get fucked up worse that my life did? (Huh?)
My brain's dead weight, I'm tryin' to get my head straight
But I can't figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnante (oh)"

I cut him off before he could say more.
"Shut the fuck up!!"
Like always he ignored me but I have had enough.
I shoved him on the floor and straddled him. He giggled and pushed me off easily. He ran into the kitchen and I ran after him. I saw him run to more sugar packets and open them. I grabbed his wrists and took the packets away from him. He pouted and tried to take his hand back but I held them.
"Why Silver~"
I gripped his wrists tighter and he yelped, making the packets drop out of his hands. He glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. He leaned and bit my tongue softly.
I tried to take my tongue back but he connected our mouths. Before I could pull away he lifted me and pinned me in the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I bit his lip but he ignored me. I looked into his eyes and they were filled with lust. It honestly scared me so I pressed my hands to his chest and pushed. He slowly pulled away and looked at me sleepily. He smiled, pecked me lips, and left to his room. I was blushing by the time he left. Why did I let him treat me like this? Am I liking him? Does he like me?
Well obviously he does, but what if he's just using me to get something?
I sighed and laid on the couch and went to sleep.

Gold POV:

I flopped onto the bed and my eyelids drooped heavily. I yawned and turned on some music then I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and saw Silver with a maid's dress. I blushed and he smiled slyly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me roughly. I was so shocked that I didn't respond. He suddenly slipped his hand in the front of my jeans and fondled with my balls. I gasped and decided to take control and accept the fact that Silver wanted this. We ended up on the floor and I yanked his maid dress off. I pulled his boxers down and shoved my hard dick in his butt. He screamed but soon calmed down.
I smiled and rammed into him and .....

Beep beep beep beep beep

I opened my eyes and saw an alarm clock on my nightstand. I reached for it and turned it off. I suddenly felt my sheets wet. I pulled the blanket off and saw white stuff all over the sheets. I felt my face heat up. I stood up and pulled the sheets off the mattress and changed clothes. I quietly walked out of the room and stuffed the sheets in the washer. When I turned around Silver was staring at me.
"What are you putting in there?"
I fidgeted before answering.
"I-I was um......putting my dirty clothes. They got dirty last night with drool and sugar."
He stared at me and left.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Whatever, as long as it's good, if you know what I mean."
Silver slapped me with a spatula and I ran to watch TV. There was nothing interesting so watched Silver cook waffles. Once we ate we went for a walk. As we were walking, I bit my lip and brushed my hand with Silver's. I felt him flinch but then he interlocked my fingers with his. I looked at our hands and back at him. He kept his face stern.
"Get used to it," he growled.
I smiled smugly and wrapped his other arm around my waist. Instead he left his hand over my butt. I blushed but then realized that he wanted to be dominant.

Silver pov:

Gold suddenly cupped my butt and squeezed. I yelped and he glanced at me. We kept walking when suddenly we heard moans. We stopped and looked at each other. We suddenly saw Red hovering over Green in a alley. We gawked and Gold cleared his throat.
They looked up and blushed.
"What are you guys doing?!"
"Ummmmm......We are doing what you guys were doing at the park," Red said smugly.
Gold grabbed my arm and rubbed his face into my arm.
"Weren't we just adorable," he said dreamily.
I felt my face heat up and I pushed him away. Then I directed my attention to the other two, Green and Red.
"You fucktards can't be doing shit like this in public," I yelled.
Red stood up and draped an arm around my shoulders casually.
"Well...we all know that the park and the front of apartments are public," he mused.
My eyes widened and Gold's suddenly froze. He glared and Red and his fists clenched tightly. Red smiled in victory and went to Green's side.
"At least we aren't afraid of someone judging us, or of someone thinking you're not emotionless....."
With that they left, hand in hand.
I felt tears sting my eyes. I mean I was supposed to be emotionless but Gold made me have feelings. And I felt guilty cuz I never showed affection to Gold. I mean I might have kissed him and all but....... I never cuddled or had "it" with him. When I looked over to Gold, he wasn't there. I started to breathe heavily as I ran back to the apartment. I opened the door and barges into Gold's room. He was lying on the floor clutching a pillow tightly to his chest crying.

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