Chapter 22:I'm Going to Volunteer Quicker than Kanye Can Tweet and Delete

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*No author's note added yet but I promise I will write you all a very lovely and long one once I have some sleep, missed you my shortcakes!*
Chapter 22:I'm Going to Volunteer Quicker than Kanye Can Tweet and Delete

Ever since the magazine shoot, things have been quite normal. When the story first came out Cole and I were subjected to some interest and of course having the spotlight back on me made me have panic attacks every other day but when the dust settled and everyone realised that we were a boring old couple who did boring old couple things, we were left alone. Even the fangirls got tired at some point of being ignored by Cole and moved on to greener pastures. In the months following the newspaper article which was meant to derail my dad's political campaign by exposing his family's secrets, things actually went against his opponents, jerk hole that he is, Mr. Caldwell who is Dad's press secretary was able to spin things around in our favour. So from depressed, bulimic and self harming basket case of a person I represented the classic example of how powerful of a tool therapy is and how more parents should be concerned about their teenager's mental health and look into find the best possible treatment for them. That is now one of the leading points of dad's agenda and what's keeping him ahead in the polls.

Talk about a blessing in disguise. Of course it's probably one of the most insensitive things they could do to me but I'm more than ready to put anything and everything related to politics behind me for the time being.

The spring semester's drawing to a close and somehow after all the drama the last couple of months have brought, Cole and I have managed to survive our first year of college without any major calamities. It wasn't a joyride by any stretch of the definition but hey,what matters is that we've managed to hold on to each other despite all that could've possibly gone wrong and what almost did. We narrowly avoided a few and it was a bit touch and go for a long time but I'm proud to say that we're still going strong. And by strong I mean, as stable as life will ever allow us to be.

I'm in my dorm room, doing some last bit of writing before the long and glorious summer when I'm interrupted by my boyfriend walking into the room and flopping down on the bed next to me. Suffice to say, I power off my laptop because he won't let me get any work done and because I haven't seen him in what feels like weeks. He's been busy with training and practicing, with classes and final exams just like I've been. My spontaneous decision to join the dance team and write occasional pieces for the student newspaper means that I barely have enough time to sleep and do my readings each night, let alone have constant date nights.

But we're so close to freedom, to three blissful months doing whatever we want. We've been making travel plans, some with our friends and some alone. We're definitely planning something special just for the two of us, because even though we do go to the same college, our different majors and our schedules make it seem like we're in separate states.

"Hey," I lay down next to him and he quickly gathers me in his arms, my head resting on his chest. It seems like he's inhaling the scent of my hair, of my strawberry scented shampoo which is something he would totally to since he says the smell relaxes him.

"I'm so ready to be done with this semester." He mumbles sleepily. I can understand why he's so tired and truth be told, I know he works so much harder than I do. The exertion that he's put through is responsible for him being perpetually tired. The little free time we do find together, consists of us talking ourselves to sleep, where we're both so bone tired that we mumble lazy sentences, kiss each clumsily and fall asleep, with my draped across his chest.

It's a nice picture but ideally I'd like for us to be able to hold an entire conversation before dozing off.

Like I said, I cannot wait for summer.

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