Chapter Twenty-Four: Is That A Euphemism?

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Is That A Euphemism?


"I'm sorry officer but I think there's been a mistake. My girlfriend couldn't possibly have done that. She doesn't even know how to throw a punch the right way."

"Not for a lack of trying though, we're big supporters of women who want to learn self defence. My girlfriend for example could totally have done that."

"You mean the one in all black? Yeah I don't have a hard time believing that. It took us two lady officers to pull her off the co-ed. But she's not the one you should be worrying about since the girl she attacked isn't pressing charges. I bet she's too scared to even be in the same room as her again."

"That's my girl!" Travis whoops and someone, I assume it's Cole must punch him since the next minute he yelps in pain.

"About my girlfriend, what seems to be the problem here? We went to the club and we saw the security footage. It clearly shows that she was provoked. These girls came up to her and from what I could tell were trying to start an altercation. You can't be serious..."

"I understand where you're coming from and trust me, from the amount of drunk crying and pleading Ms. O'Connell has been doing I can tell that she's a very good girl who has never even gotten a parking ticket before."

"It's the truth!" I yell from the jail cell, my arms flailing outside the bars. "Officer you have to believe me!" I hiccup, "I didn't mean to break her nose or give her the shiner. She was just...she was being so mean." I whine and am mortified to find tears trickling down my cheeks again!

"Aw honey, come here. We made the mean girl go away remember?" I'm engulfed in a group hug. Given the events of the night, my friends have surprisingly remained calm and collected, even Megan. I would assume being locked up in prison would be the worst possible scenario in her mind, right up there with getting an A—

The love and support in our friendship is great, it's showing me that we can overcome anything even if it is a spontaneous staging of our own version of Orange Is The New Black. Sister solidarity for the win!

Or we could all just be hopelessly drunk.

Our hug is broken up by someone banging on the bars of the cell, "All right fabulous four, why don't you break it up and tell these gentlemen here what exactly happened." Behind the massive frame of Officer Graham stand two very confused yet angry men and one distant figure looming in the background.

"Wait is that Jay? Hey Jay Jay!" I wave to him, "I haven't seen you in so long!"

He gives me a tiny wave back and drops his hand immediately when his brother gives him a look. I can only imagine what the look is but it could be very similar to the one he gave Bentley when he volunteered to put sunscreen on my back, completely innocent of course.

"Tessa..." He begins and the girls let out a collective 'ooohh'.

"He called you Tessa and not that adorable nickname he has for you! I thin you're in trouble." Cami giggles and soon everyone is laughing, but not me.

"Cole," my lip begins to wobble and I can't believe that I'm about to cry for the 500th time.

"Hey, Shortcake don't cry. He clasps my hands in his through the bars, "Everything is going to be okay. We're going to talk to this girl and make her drop the charges. But you're going to have to tell me what happened okay? Right from the beginning. How did you get in a fight and whoa there tiger," he notices my bruised knuckles, "who taught you how to punch?"

I shrug, "Bentley."

He curses under his breath and I flinch. Beside us, Beth and Travis seem to be having a similar conversation but if it's possible theirs is going much worse than ours is.

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