Chapter Ten:Nana Stone Is Going On About The Merits Of Early Motherhood

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Chapter Ten:Nana Stone Is Going On About The Merits Of Early Motherhood

“You keep an eye on Cole, I’ve got Beth.” Travis whispers conspiratorially in my ear and my eyes dart around the room to look for our significant others.

It’s Thanksgiving Day and it hasn’t gotten off to the best start especially considering the fact that Beth’s locked herself in my room and Cole is destroying the flowers my father placed a special order for by smushing them in his hands. It wasn’t my best idea to let him set the table. 

“I don’t get it, why are they so mad?”

“Gee well I don’t know! He slaps his hand on the kitchen counter, “Maybe it’s because you invited someone whose face was pinned onto Beth’s dartboard for a solid six months.”

“Beth has a dartboard?” 

“Why do you think she asked for our family photos before slamming the door on your face?”


“And then because this family’s idiocy doesn’t stop there, Dad thought it was a brilliant idea to invite the guy you were obsessed with for a decade? And sit him next to the guy you’re currently dating and the two just happen to be step brothers? You literally couldn't make this shit up.” 

“I can’t tell Nicole not to come now, that’ll be horrible!” I’m being trampled by my conscience which surely isn’t the size of a cricket, much more an elephant at this point. 

“And Jay the giant Va-jay-jay?”

I imagine spitting out the drink in my mouth were I drinking one.

“Make that Jay the unwaxed vajayjay.” Cole grumbles entering the kitchen, dragging his feet behind him. It’s very cute actually to see him acting like a petulant child but as much as I hate seeing him this. I’d tell Dad to call off his plans but apparently there’s going to be some press present later and they want to do a piece on the mayor and his family being close with the Sheriff’s thus painting the perfect picture of a tight knit community. 

If only they knew...

Cole’s still grumbling under his breath as he rests his forehead on my shoulder, coming up from behind me.

“I feel your pain man. Beth and I ran into my ex, Jenny the other day and I literally had to stop Beth from emptying a frying pan full of boiling hot oil onto her face.”

Cole’s chuckling into my shoulder and I gasp. “How did that even happen?”

“Beth’s tight with the crew from Rusty’s, she just waltzed into the back of the kitchen and the next thing I know I’m throwing myself in front of Jenny to prevent a law suit.”

I whistle lowly, “She must’ve been pissed.”

“Let’s just say I’m glad you’re on the dartboard now.” 

“It’s really nice to know my older brother’s got my back.” I scowl at him and Cole lifts his head.

“Don’t worry Tessie, I’ve got you.” 

“Kids! The rest of the Stones’ are here and look they brought Nana Stone!” My dad shouts from the living room.

I whirl around to face Cole,” You did not tell me she was coming!” 

He shrugs, “You didn’t tell me Jay would be here and you invited Nicole.”

The Bad Boy's Heart (Bad Boy Series #2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя