Chapter Twenty-Six: Turning Bad Breakups Into A Savings Account for Dummies

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Turning Bad Breakups Into A Savings Account for Dummies


"Self discovery, soul searching, the road to getting in touch with the real you..."

"How about calling it for what it is, you know something along the lines of utter bullshit."

Cami pulls my laptop away from me and throws herself on my bed. "I'm all for giving your friend time and space when they're going through a tough breakup but..."

"We did not break up!" I've been telling the same thing to everyone's who has asked why I constantly looked like someone had murdered all the joy and happiness inside of me. Wednesday Adams for example, would look like the picture of joy and the eternal ray of sunshine compared to how I'd been acting.

"Call it what you want or how about you use my personal favourite term, a colossal mistake? A huge one, the size of Canada!"

"I groan and throw a pillow at her, "I get it okay. You've made your point well enough, my personal favourite was when you stood outside my door at five in the morning and blared 'Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word' on repeat for an hour."

"Well ,you could do with a little bit of Elton in your life, that's all I'm saying and I know when to interrupt your little meltdown when you start applying for a semester abroad in Edinburgh. Really? Is that the best you've got? Let me suggest 'Turning Bad Breakups into a Savings Account for Dummies.' The results include and aren't limited to Adele, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, all of the Kardashians.

"I'm not completely clueless you know? I realise that things got a little out of hand the other day but..."

"Out of hand? I could hear you from my room and trust me I had to resist the urge to come downstairs and punch you in the boob, several times."

"That sounds painful."

"Oh it would've been, trust me. Girl, I want to shake you up, put you through a shredder and piece you back together. If I'd know how far back the damage went, I would've intervened much earlier."

"What do you mean?" I'm suddenly self conscious. Cami has seen a lot of my home life, in the week and a half she's been home with me. None of it puts me in a good light, having her witness both my family and relationship disintegrate isn't really what I want. I'd known her own situation at home isn't the best and that's why I wanted her to come home with me and see my world for a few weeks. How could I have foreseen that it would all go to hell?

I also hadn't anticipated the fact that she would see a new side of me. Of course she's witnesses my multiple breakdowns back at college but they'd been contained to a certain extent. I knew I had classes to go to, other obligations I just couldn't shove to a side. But here, it's so easy to fall into a routine of self pity and wallowing.

"I'm just going to go out there and say it."

"Please don't, I've had enough of tough love speeches this week to last a lifetime."

"Please, I'm not going to go nearly as crazy as step-monster, whom I should say that I thoroughly disagree with. Adults think they've got it all figured out huh? Let me tell you, she must be feeling pretty shitty about herself right now. If she thought Cole was unhappy before, when he was actually with you, I'd love to see her reaction to post-argument Cole."

I feel no sense of victory nor am I gloating. What did I even gain out of this? After day two post argument, I'd had to break down and tell Cami the truth because she wouldn't stop badgering me. There's only so much you can hide from a person if they're living with you, unless you're someone as clueless as my dad or as wound up in your own personal hell like Travis. Beth left quietly, with just a simple text message. He's shattered and I'm too scared to approach him because I feel like I would take sides and it wouldn't be his.

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