Chapter Seven: Caffeine Is My Natural Habitat

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Dedicated to cutewhatnot, one of my amazing Twitter followers! If you want to get a dedication, I occasionally give them out on Twitter! @BlairHoldenx :) 

Chapter Seven: Caffeine Is My Natural Habitat

I stumble across my room in desperate attempt to get dressed in time but I know, nothing short of me walking out of the door in my sleep shorts and tank top with unbrushed teeth will make that happen. So I mentally accept that I’m going to be late but make an effort to be as less late as possible and if that entails shoving both my legs in my yoga pants at the same time then so be it.

I grab the first warm item of clothing I see and pull it over my head. Immediately I’m surrounded by Cole’s warm scent and I know I’ve put on one of his sweatshirts that almost drowns me but its comfortable and snuggly and I don’t have time to wear anything else.

I get done in the bathroom and wrestle together my textbooks for the day and my laptop. Throwing those in my tote bag, I lug myself all the way to campus half sprinting, half dragging.

I’m still over ten minutes late because I slept in way past my alarm

And whose fault would that be?

Cole had an away game yesterday and arrive back to his apartment late last night. We talked on the phone for over two hours and I fell asleep somewhere around 3 am, not the greatest move on my part since I have an 8 am class. Everyone knows how nuclear I can be without sleep so I do fear for the general well being of the people around me. 

I make it to the class just as Professor Gingham is getting around to starting the lecture after setting up his mandatory slides. He gives me a curt look as I pass him by but doesn't say anything as I scurry to my seat in the middle row. This is the first and only time I’ve been late for class so he’s giving me a free pass, all hail being a goodie goodie. 

If only my luck were to continue. As I’m passing the aisle to get to my seat, a foot shoots out of nowhere and the next thing I know my knees are buckling and I’ve face planted onto the floor, my butt sticking out for all the world to see . My laptop crashes to the floor loudly as my books land with a loud thump, my tote cushions my face from the impact of the ground. For some unexplainable reason, it takes me a while to actually register that I’m on the ground and that I should probably stand up. But when I do try and stand, the devil’s foot manages to trip me again and this time I hit pretty hard on one of the ridges that make up the stairs of the auditorium. My cheeks are fire engine red with humiliation as I try and collect myself . 

The snickering starts slowly, mostly from the side of the room that have witnessed my fall and spreads slowly around the auditorium as the rest catch up. 

“Mis O’Connell kindly take your seat, you’ve already disturbed my class once I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t for the second time.”

My face feels like it’s on fire as I tripped over to my seat. The girl who sits next to me and occasionally borrows my notes gives me a sympathetic look. “You realise this is going to be all over Facebook by the end of the class right?”

My mouth hangs open, “They were taking pictures?”

She nods solemnly.

“Wait did you see who tripped me?” I ask in a hushed whisper. Because even though I know I’m clumsier than I can afford to be, even I would’ve seen that high heeled boot clad foot appear out of thin air.

“Well,…” she hesitates and I see her gaze travel down to the aisle where I had the mighty fall. “I’m pretty sure it was one of them, Allison Vega and her friends sit there.”

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