Chapter Twenty-Three: Like A Zit, He Waits For The Worst Time To Pop Up

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Like A Zit, He Waits For The Worst Time To Pop Up

"Do you think Travis will still love me if I kill your dad? Come to think of it, with the way he's been acting lately, I think he might actually love me more." Beth's face is serious as she contemplates my dad's murder.

"Yes," Megan tells her dryly, "there's nothing more romantic than homicide, especially if the victim is your significant other's parent."

"Shut up smartass, I'm actually thinking this through. No father, no drama, no drama then both my best friend and my boyfriend are happy. I'm not seeing a downside here."

"How about handcuffs? And jail time and the risk of getting frisky with Maureen the Man-handler?"

"Woman-handling in this particular scenario but do go on," I tell Megan, "I really would appreciate someone talking me out of letting her kill my dad."

To say that my much looked forward to trip home had turned into long days of being cooped up inside and avoiding prying eyes would be putting it nicely. While I did appreciate the down time, I don't think cabin fever has the best effect on me.

Exhibit A, I wanted my best friend to kill my dad.

Well, I didn't necessarily want him dead but maybe an attempt on his life would show him the need to make more mindful decisions and you know, not engage in personal relations with women of questionable characters.

"Tessa," Megan plonks down on the bed beside me and I'm distracted from the spot on my ceiling that I've been staring at for the best thirty minutes. See? Cabin fever.

"You know he's sorry and I know that you know because the man has gone above and beyond to tell that to you. He said it's been years since it happened and he didn't expect it all to surface in the way that it did. He's embarrassed and ashamed and more than ready to make a public apology and..."

"I know, I was there when he made the speech remember? It doesn't change the fact that I can't walk into the local grocery story and not have people looking at me like I'll infect their children with the disease of sexual promiscuity just be breathing in their direction."

Beth snorts," You've only ever slept with one guy honey, I don't think you carry the promiscuous gene."

"Yeah, that one went to my brother."

Realising what I've just said I slap a hand over my mouth and sit upright. "I am so sorry, I did not mean to say that."
Beth, from where she's sitting in the chair by my desk seems to have gone a couple of shades paler, which is impossible given her already porcelain complexion. She doesn't let the hurt show though, just shrugs. "It's okay, that just means we're a good match."

I feel like I need to ask Travis if he and Beth are having problems.

"But back to your dad, I can't believe Mrs. Stone just uninvited you like that. Considering the fact that she knows as much about your family as she does, she should have kept you out of this."

I know I need to reign in Beth's mama bear tendencies before she attacks the sheriff's wife but it's good to have someone be upset for me. Childish as it seems, it is validation that what's happening to me is unfair and that it has been far too long that I've lived under the shadow of my parent's actions.

"You know she's called and apologised a thousand times. It's not her fault, the board of directors don't want any negative press and I would never want to ruin the night. It's for such a good cause and I'd feel terrible if I brought any drama with me."

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