➳Chapter 15➳

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New characters above!!! Please read the note in the a/n afterwards (the underlined especially) and THIS MAY CONTAIN SLIGHT SPOILERS OF CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. SO IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED IT I'M VERY SORRY. Enjoy. :)

Small update from minutes later after my sister has read part of the chapter. She kicked me in the leg because I named Jake T. Austin Jacob. Send help. Leg stings :(((

"So..?" He said awkwardly.

"So..?" We looked at each other awkwardly.

"Do you want to go home now?" Dylan asked. I nodded quietly, the feeling of sadness sinking into me. Dylan laced our hands together and walked towards the door, leaving the beautiful mansion.

Fuck you Dylan.

Bella's POV

I poked Dylan's cheek. "Dylan." I whispered poking his cheek. You're probably wondering what I'm doing right now. Well, I'm trying to wake up Dylan. Last night went eh in my opinion. Basically we came home and just went our ways. Dylan went to his room and slammed the door behind him. He was obviously hiding something and I went to my room annoyed by him.

So now here I was, poking his cheek, trying to wake him up because I was bored and he really my only companion at the moment. Fuck Blue. "Dylan." I said louder this time slapping his cheek lightly.

"What?!" He groaned rolling to the other side.

I rolled my eyes and stood there for a few minutes. I grinned slyly as a thought popped into my head. I jumped on top of him making him groan loudly. "Dylan wake up!" I slapped his cheek.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me. Oh yeh I forgot to mention I was actually on top of him. "Why did you wake me up?" He said slowly, closing his eyes again but this time wrapping his arms around me.

"Well because I'm bored Dyl and your my only companion at the moment and I have no friends."

He chuckled opening his eyes and looking at me, "You don't have any friends that's surprising to hear from someone who's a social bee."

I pouted, "Well I want to make some more friends and I could get a boyfriend too."

"I don't think Luke would be too happy about that." Dylan said amused.

"Yeh but still! A hot Arabian boy." I said smirking and he laughed shaking his head, "It looks so much easier to get a boyfriend in the movies don't you think?" I questioned thinking about all the teenage movies where they the boyfriend they wanted in the end.

"Why don't I take you to one of them then?" He asked and a half smirk played on his lips. I gaped a little. Holy shit that was smooth.

"I know it was."  Dylan smirked.

Oh I said that out loud. I blushed and stuttered, "Are y-you asking me o-out?"

Dylan nodded but smiled this time, "Yes on a date and as I said last night are you sure you don't need to get your ears checked?" He said amused. I slapped him on the chest lightly and buried my face in the crook of his neck and blushed brightly, whilst he chuckled. "So is that a yes?"

I found myself giving into his invitation. I shouldn't but I really wanted to for some odd reason. I nodded into his neck and he laughed. "Do you want to watch Civil War?"

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