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I've wanted to write something like this for months.

I attempted the fictional form of releasing some of my real-life experiences across but it didn't feel right. What I put my story characters throughout did represent true feelings and thoughts that I have experienced in my time but it didn't feel like I was releasing my inner thoughts from the heart.

The A Side was born.

Currently as I sit at home and type up this intro on the longest day of the year up in the northern hemisphere, the sun shines down for the first time in several days, its rays warm against the side of my cheek. My cat sits on the window sill next to the desk which my computer sits on half asleep but she knows that i'm typing. Her ears are poked up wide. My cats do have their own special role to play within my journey so that is why I am mentioning them here.

The A Side is going to be one of the most emotional, honest, reflective pieces of writing I think I've ever written in my whole life. I'm not trying to brag or show off. In the real life world away from Wattpad and the internet in general, I've experienced a ton of drama in trying to be accepted for who I am. My Anxiety is not a show-off type of joke, I'm not an attention seeker but whenever I open my mouth to speak from the heart, 9 times out of 10, i'm blanked or someone has to go and make a joke about me.

Within the words of The A Side, you the reader will get to experience first hand exactly what type of situations I've been through and the necessary steps that I've taken to prevent the situation from happening again.

For anyone who wants to read the true story of how my Anxiety came to hit me like lighting, this is the book that will answer hopefully all of your questions.

I'm Scarlett, come with me to The A Side.


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