Chapter Two

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"Mommy I'm hungry!"

"Me too."

"Mommy can we get McDonald's?"

"Do you have McDonald's money?"


"Then no. I'll cook something after they finish showing your father's trial now be quiet."

She leaned onto her mother hoping for a little comfort and 'Mas' brushed her off gently too focused on the trial and when Jackson admitted that he killed someone she froze in shock.

It was then that Jhonnie took the time to slide out the door. Her mother would never let her outside because 'they were trying to keep a low profile'.

She wandered till she saw a white building. The paint was stale and it looked plain but it had a pretty sign and she made her way in.

"Hi sweetie. Are you lost?"


"You're cute. What are you doing here? Are you sick?"

"Hmm...well my tummy hurts."

"Really? OK how about I take you in to see our doctor."


The little girl had always been a socialite in the eyes of everyone around her. And her cute and innocent exterior made everyone want to just eat her up.

The nurse brought her into a room with big charts and tables and shiny things she always saw when she went to the 'Sicky place' with her mommy.

There in the midst sat a man. He was different from the people she had been around. So had the lady. They had weird skin in her opinion.

"And who is this little chocolate muffin?" The doctor asked grabbing her up and twirling her around.

"I don't know. She just toddled in."

At the same time Jhonnie's tummy rumbled. She was hungry and longed for some food.

"Oh I think I know what's wrong. Do you like McDonald's?" He asked.



The three sat in the lobby of the clinic and ate together. They had a pretty empty schedule and no emergencies yet.

"Where are your parents Jhonnie?"

Jhonnie had long forgotten about her mother and how mad she was going to be when she found out that not only did she run away but also accepted food from strangers,and funny looking ones at that.

"At home,"she whispered too quietly.

"And they let you out by yourself?"

And almost on queue her mother burst through the door panting and barely catching her breath.

"Help me! I'm looking for my dau- Jhonnel Macey Daniels! I- I hav-"

She took several breaths between her syllables but couldn't get her words out. She knew she shouldn't have overworked herself too much but she couldn't find her daughter.

"Ma'am are you OK?" The doctor got up and went over to her.

"I'm f-fine! Don't touch me!"

The nurse held Jhonnie and tried to calm her down because she began crying for no reason, well at least that's what the nurse thought.

"No you're not. Come on let me do a checkup."

"N-no! I don't have any money for you fancy rich white people doctor fees. I'd rather find an obeah woman."

"Ma'am I'll do it for free. Just please. Think about your daughter,"she calmed down a but at his words but her breathing still jagged.


He took her into the office and examined her.

"How long have you had this condition?"

"All my life. "

"And you didn't get any help?"

"At my old doctor they stuck needles in me and drank my money so I don't know."

"Do you know exactly what you have?"


"Ma'am you have ADHD."

"Isn't that a kid thing? What kind of doctor are you?"

"You said you had it all you life. Studies show that sixty percent of people who had ADHD as a child carry it into their adult stages with them. It would explain your anxiety and forgetfulness."

"I am not forgetful!"

"Really now, did you look at the sign before you came in?"


"What did it say?"


He chuckled.

"Right. So I can get you the proper treatment and get you back on your feet, if you let me. "



"No. I'm an independent black woman. I don't need your pity and I sure as hell don't need you to help me. "

"Let's add problems with temper and mood swings to the list too," he muttered under his breath and scribbled on his clipboard.

She jumped off the bed and got ready to go.

"One more thing. I need your name."

"It's 'Mas'."

"Is that it?"

"For you, yes. And one more thing," she walked up to him and shoved her finger at his chest, "Next time my kid comes around here,and there shouldn't be a next time, I'll make sure, don't feed her no damn McDonald's. " she turned on her heel and strolled out,or tried to.

The doctor gently grabbed her hand.

"I don't want anything from you just please let me help you. For your daughter's sake. "

She shook his hand off violently.

"Don't talk about my daughter. "


"Mommy why do I have to go to schoooool? Its stupid and the clothes are itchy," Jhonnie complained as her mother fitted her in her uniform for the first day of school.

"Because I said so."

"But mommyyyy."

"Keep 'buting' me and you won't have a butt. Now put on your shoes and get your bag," she said tapping her bottom not too gently.

Jhonnie ran off for her things in a mood but made sure not to stomp her feet. She knew better than to with her mother in the room.

'Mas' and Jhonnie set out for the little school down the road and Jhonnie kicked rocks the whole time down the path.


"Sorry mommy."

Jhonnie had always found it difficult to live with her mother. The slightest off things would upset her and she didn't want to get her upset or she have gotten a fine whooping. She didn't know why her mother was so easily irritated but had secretly hoped that one day she'd get better.

"We are here. Come gimme kisses."

Jhonnie looked at her mother's stooped figure reluctantly before landing a peck on her cheek.

"What kind of fenky kiss is that?" She grabbed up Jhonnie which frightened her a bit and kissed her all over face.

Giggles emitted from the little girl's mouth and she smiled wide.

'Mas' put her down and sent her inside. Which she did with a big smile wishing everyday was like this.

Meanwhile her mother headed in the direction she never thought she'd be again.

'Johnson and Jagan's Clinic'

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