Chapter Fifteen

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Sydny watched as Gia and Sanya walked down the aisle in their beautiful cyan dresses as Mascina had put it,each having their own style and flow to the dress.

Gia wore it with flair in a short,pouffy version,stopping at her knee and showing off the diamond encrusted flats she sported.

And Sanya,she wore it with elegance, in an ankle length dress which dared to show every dip and curve on her body as it ran against her like a car on a smooth road.

Following the two women, Leilany daringly stepped onto the aisle as if she were on a catwalk. Slowly making her way down in her mid length off the shoulder dress with more twists to it than the first two.

The one thing that remained constant amongst the women were their hairstyles and the bouquet they carried with pride boasting their excitement to everyone on the pews and at the altar.

The three women all had their hair in curls,different lengths of their own as their dresses but curls nevertheless. And the bouquet they carried had everyone wondering where they had managed to find such beautiful flowers this time of year to hopeful see if they could possibly get some themselves. They were white and light blue and looked somewhat of a cross between orchids and lilies,though no one could actually tell what they were.

The next lady to walk down the aisle was rather young herself. Holding a basket of small blue and white bougainvillea petals and dropping every here and there as she could. She enjoyed the task as the smile she sent to everyone had them awwing.

The cutest sight was when Christian toddled up to her very quickly with a cushion, with two beautiful rings tied to it, in his hand. Jhonnie took his hand in hers and they both contributed towards the flower dropping activity she had begun.

And finally,what Sydny had been sweating like crazy for,wracked with nerves until the moment he got to see her face,was his blushing Bride.

She looked at him and their eyes locked, smiling the entire time as her brother Jordan walked her down the aisle.

Her dress took the wind out of him as he watched her intently. The dress was strapless and like Sanya was form fitting and rather long but with Mascina there was a flare at the end of the dress almost as if she were a mermaid. The dress was diamond encrusted like Gia's shoes and highlighted the diamond tiara that her family had pooled in to buy her for this special day.

The shoes,though barely visible, had a lot of sentimental value beneath them. Knowingly to Sydny, those were the heels he had sent to her the night before, instructing her to wear them and underneath was a message that he privately professed to his soon to be wife. 

The small steps they took agonised Sydny because he couldn't wait to hold her,take her into his arms and make her his for eternity.

And just like that,the ceremony began.


Beautiful could not begin to explain the ceremony put on that day.

Tissues circulated throughout the pews as if it was the most thoughtful and exquisite event they had ever been to and for some it was.

The vows had both partner in tears even though Sydny would argue that he had only shed two.

They both know they didn't need words to express their love for each other as they had already established the bond between them was unbreakable.

When the rings were on and the priest announce the two as husband and wife, Sydny dipped his newly proclaimed wife and sweetly kissed her lips.

The church erupted into joyful cheers,shouts and awws and rice was thrown and bubbles were blown at the newlyweds as they left the altar hand in hand with their two children.

The reception was stunning and properly elegant as if it were a night in the King's palace.  The aura scream grace and the decor,class.

The guests enjoyed themselves until it came to the first dance where all eyes fell on the couple in the center.

The song they expected slow and so beautiful that they would need those tissues again was not so.

In fact the couple had prepared a choreographed version of their favourite song,Marry You by Bruno Mars.

The crowd,shocked and amused, watched on intently as they rock in their seats to the beat themselves.

The passionate couple enjoyed themselves and weren't concerned with whether or not they did the moves right but they had fun and that was most important.

Unbeknownst to them all was a meek unfamiliar face watching the entire event take place with rage filled eyes.

The anger,the greed,the jealous filled his heart and he itched to punch a hole in the wall and call her out.

Announce to everyone what an illegal fink she was but surprisingly he kept his composure. He would wait till after the wedding to tell her that the police has been searching for her. He'll wait to tell her that she has been labelled a fugitive in their eyes and once they found her she'd be separated from their child and jailed.

He'd wait to tell her that she's the most wanted back where they came from, that the life she turned her eye on didn't die yet. 

Or he wouldn't tell her. Let her find out on her own. When the police comes knocking down her door, when she loses everything, maybe just maybe she'll realise that she had been stupid in her actions here and realise that he is the only one for her.

He watched on and knew that this newfound happiness she held was only temporarily.

The happy couple hugged their children and sent their family their minor goodbyes as they set off for their honeymoon. Unaware of the storm they are about to step into,the newlyweds hoped for an amazing week of celebration between them two.

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