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Mascina wiped her tears and refused to let go of her daughter. She couldn't bare to see her go. Just the other day she had lost ten years of her life and she wanted them back.

"Mom I have to go now,"Jhonnie said rubbing her back,she knew she'd be this emotional because she's pregnant.

"Promise you'll come visit?"

"I promise."

"Ok fine," And with that she let her eldest go.

Jhonnie threw her hands around her stepfather and kissed his cheeks. She then ruffled the hair of her brothers and did the same to them. Both boys cringed and immediately wiped the kiss off their cheeks which only made the adults amongst them laugh.

Adult. That was the new title Jhonnie was having trouble getting used to. She didn't mind the privileges it came with but she also dreaded the responsibilities she faced.

Here she was, in the middle of the airport wishing her family goodbye as she prepared to step onto a plane to start a journey that would change her life.

She was offered an artistic scholarship to a prestigious school in Italy. She was going to go enjoy the culture and paint and have fun but despite that all she was going to miss her family. She heard the final boarding call and decided it was time to go.

She kissed their cheeks again and gave final hugs then picked up the suitcases and began her walk to the check in station.

Before she stepped out of sight she spun on her heels and waved vigorously as a tear fell down her face. And for that one tear her mother shed two and waved back.

And just like that she was gone.

The four began their journey back home where Christian was getting ready for a football match and Michael was studying for an upcoming test.

Mascina was lying down with her feet elevated,doctor's orders or in other words husband's orders.

He sat beside her absentmindedly rubbing her tummy which she didn't mind because it soothed the baby.

He got up shortly after and went to go get Christian so he could drive him to his game. One that Mas would have to miss out on because she was in no condition for dusty,hot,crowded areas.

She wished him luck and kissed his cheeks which caused him to make a funny face and wipe it off while he wasn't looking.

They had to be careful with what they did around her in this time. She was very emotional when she was pregnant. Nothing like her normal self. And for that time period she had to be off the ADHD medication so she would lash out easily.

He remember the time Michael wiped the kiss she had given him off his forehead right in front of her. First she screamed at him then she cried then she screamed again then she didn't talk to him for a whole week! He didn't need all that drama so he just waited until he wasn't in her line of sight.

The two left for the game and Mas got up to make her self some food. As she got out the chicken and rice she spilt some water on the floor and went for the mop to clean it up. While she cleaned she was wondering why was there constantly a trail of water behind her.

Then the pain hit. Then the screams came.

"MICHAELLLLLL," she screamed and maybe ever Michael in a 10 mile radius could be seen rushing to the house.

Her son ran down the stairs with fright and saw his mother crouched over some raw chicken.

"You didn't push that out did u?"

She gave him a look that shut him right up and demanded his help to get her up. And when he did she sent him to get the baby bag they had prepared in case of emergency like this.

She grabbed her car keys and Michael's hand. Locking the door and getting into the car with him. She took her time and drove carefully as she held one of Michael's hand in hers squeezing every now and again when she felt the contractions.

She instructed Michael to call his father on the car phone and that he did.

To say the boy was traumatized was a bit of an understatement. He had never seen his mother in this state of distress. Not to mention she was crushing his hand at the same time. He managed to reach out and touch the dial button on the car radio.

"Hello?" Sydny's voice filled the car.

Mas' inability to speak much,only in grunts forced Michael to do the talking.

"Mom's having the baby. Now!!"

"What?! Where are you?"

"We're in the car. She's driving," he explained as they turned unto the hospital, "Now we're at the hospital."

"Oh crap! I'm on my way ok. CHRISTIAN."

And the phone clicked off after.

Michael helped his mother as best as he could. She copied his breathing even though he was unaware that she was. He stroked her hair and rubbed her tummy in hopes of calming the baby down.

Pretty soon Sydny ran in with Christian by his side. He instructed the two to stay in the room until their aunt came for them and had the nurses roll Mascina to the delivery room where he prepped himself to deliver their child.

He gave himself a little pep talk and said a little prayer and went into the room were he saw the saddest sight possible. His poor wife in pain and discomfort. He gave her a small kisses before letting the nurses do their work with the pre-birth techniques. Soon enough she was fully dilated and began pushing.

It was like clockwork. The baby only took a few pushes before she slid down and out of her mommy.

The nurses performed the Apgar Score and cleaned the baby up as Sydny and Mascina held her in their arms.

After a lot of deciding and contemplating the nurse voiced to the rest of the family waiting outside,

"Come in and meet Faith Amora Jagan."

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