Chapter Nine

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"Is Sydny your boyfriend?"

"No Jhonnie he's just a friend," Mas reassured.

"Yea a friend for six months straight,"Gia laughed.

"Shut up. "

"Mommy that's not a nice word. "

Gia laughed at the two and helped to unpack some of the kitchen furniture.

Mas had finally moved to a new house  in the suburbs,from that old shady apartment Jackson bought for her. She saw it as a new start from that crowded past.

"Is your friend coming oveeerrrr?" Gia teased.

Mas just rolled her eyes and nodded, taking out her appliances.

"Sydny!!" Jhonnie ran from across the room to the doorway where Doctor Jagan stood.

He picked her up and spun her around before placing her back down.

"Hey puppy,hey girls."

"Heeeyyy," Gia pulled out her word,sending Mas a smirk and a wink.

Mas just shook her head and continued setting up her microwave.

Sydny walked up to her and kissed her cheek and gave her some flowers.

"Thank you,"she smiled at him and placed the flowers on the kitchen island.

"Ready for later?"

"As much as I'll ever be."

"Can I go too?" Jhonnie piped up,not knowing what the two were talking about but wanted to go anywhere her mom is.

"No Jhonnie."

"But mommyyyy."

"She can come,"Jagan shrugged," I don't mind."


"Sigh. Where's Gia?" Mas wondered aloud.

After searching the house she found Gia in the upstairs bathroom throwing up her breakfast.

"Gia?!" She ran up to her and rubbed her back and running her hand through Gia's short Bob.

"Are you pregnant G?"


Mas dressed Jhonnie in a nice little sophisticated black and white striped dress that she bought her recently for formal occasions.

She even put in some of her silver earrings that Jhonnie would never be allowed to touch and helped her slide on her black flats.

After she was finished she got ready and pulled on her black v cut dress that hugged her curves and thighs. She matched it with some sterling silver earrings that Gia bought for her birthday and slid in her louboutins.

She waited patiently for Sydny and thought to herself how she wanted to get herself a car when she saved up enough money. She had been saving a portion to send Jhonnie to a better school. She noticed that she had difficulties coping and struggled to do a great deal in school.

Sydny knocked her out her thoughts when he rang the doorbell. Something she still wasn't used to.

She took Jhonnie's hand and left with him.

They were going to meet Sydny's parents. No he had not asked her to be his girlfriend but he wanted to very soon. And with his parents knowledge too.

He was a mommy's boy and always wanted approval on everything he did. He knew that Mascina was the one,he didn't need her to tell him that but he still liked to let her know.

The three looked like a family,as they walked up to the door of the house,as they usually do on outings like this.  Mas on the left,Sydny on the right and Jhonnie in the middle holding both their hands.

Sydny lifted Jhonnie up so she could press the buzzer.

"Oooh Pretty. Mommy can we do this too,"Jhonnie exclaimed pointing to the welcoming decorations surrounding the door.

"Sure Jhonnie,"Mas said,humouring her.

The door opened to show a lady in her mid fifties or so it looked. She had her face made up and gave a curious look towards Sydny.


His parents were separated but he hasn't told Mas yet. He hoped she would be accepting, because it was something he could never get past when he was younger.

"Mom I want you to meet a special person in my life,"Sydny explained.

"Ok. Where is she?"

"Uh,right here mom."

She gave Mas and Jhonnie a weird look then whispered to Sydny a 'they're black?'

Sydny was taken aback by his mother's idiosyncrasy.

"Can we come in?" Jhonnie asked trying to peek at the fascinating things capturing her brown eyes with their sparkle.

"Uh yes," Sydny's mother said with uncertainty before stepping aside," I'm Sophia. "

"Nice to meet you," Mas said holding out her hand to shake which she had to retreat shortly back to her side when she ignored it.

"Are you here for dinner? Because I didn't cook."

"No mom we were just here for introductions," Sydny said silently holding his head down .

He knew from a long time ago that his mother had never been fond of black people,more specifically black women since his dad cheated on her with a black woman ten years ago.

"Uh what about your dad?" Mas asked out of curiosity.

"Oh Sydny didn't tell you," she spat,"That bastard hasn't been welcome in this house for the last ten years and sure as hell won't be now. "

Sydny covered Jhonnie's ears in case there was more to  come.

"Mom! We have a child here. "

"Whatever. You better not be trying to hook my son to pay your bills or child support. He's a nice doctor and I know you girls like to take advantage of that. "

Mas didn't even get to say her first name to this lady and she was already threatening her. She had a few words of her own but kept them in for Sydny's sake and took her child's hand and stalked out.

Sydny shared a disappointed look with his mother and all she returned was a "You can do better."

He met Mas in the car and apologised all the way to his father's house.

Before they got out of the car at his father's house he briefed Mas with what happened to prevent an incident like before.

"When I was seventeen,my dad cheated on my mom,with a black lady that was younger. Yes I'm not surprised my mom was always annoying,and wasn't the best person to be married to. Anyway she's hated black people since then and now my dad lives on his own with his girlfriend. I have no doubt, I know he'll love you because he was the open to meet your friends type and very considerate. "

Mascina stared at him before sighing and nodding.

"Let's go meet your dad."

Gangster MommaOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara