Chapter Five

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There was a lot of shouting and she didn't like the fact that since she stepped into the dark building cigarette smoke engulfed her. She had standards. And she was not going to compromise them for a little money.

She found the room that she was supposed to go to and saw the man she met earlier. His legs propped up on the table with a smoke in his hand,surrounded by many other men of the same nature playing Black Jack.

Once he saw that she was standing there,he jolted up,outing his smoke and dragged up his pants.

"You made it!"

The others were appalled by his behaviour. If they didn't know better they'd say it was his girl but they knew he had a 'trap queen' at home that he was eternally faithful to and loved dearly. So when they saw his reaction to this lady they were shocked.

In the eyes of them the lady did look beautiful, beautiful enough to stand for.

She had short afro like hair,a topic they had just been talking about,hair that makes women look sexy.

She wore a black dress which hugged her nicely and flare out at the hip like a peplum blouse then came back together to hug her thighs quite nicely.

The boys let out whistles receiving glares for them.

"This is the lady I was telling you about. The one to run the place and get those noobs to stop killing everybody's ass."


Mas looked quite unimpressed with the batch.

"I saw this place and I'm up for the job. This place is a dump and I'm not running it like this. Where's my office?"

Everyone shut up except that one slow one of the group,"oh it's this one!"

"Man!"the others groaned.

"Ok what better time to start redecorating than now. You,get that damn ashtray out of here and take those smokes with you. You,get a broom and a mop,and you clean off my damn table and the rest of you. Call a meeting with everyone. "

It was like a wake up call for them,yet they still stood there with their jaws dropped wondering what's going on.

"I'm sorry was I not clear enough? And drag those damn pants up before I take those belts and give you a new purpose for them."

With that they scurried off,following her instructions.


She stood in front of a group of criminals that could shoot her any second now. But she wasn't afraid,she knew her way around a gun and Josh,the guy she met earlier, had given her one before she got on the platform.

"I've heard bad reports about you all. Killing people that aren't doing bad? Robbing people? What happened to the damn mission statement? Huh? Killing the bad guys the police can't catch?"

The crowd stood and stared at her and the younger ones, the 'noobs' as the older ones called them began to walk off.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"Anywhere but here ma your speech is boring the life out of me,"one claimed,inhaling his smoke and blowing it in her direction.

She was pissed. Of all the disrespectful shits she have seen in her life this is the worst.

She pulled her gun and aimed for him.

"That ain't scaring me ma, you ain't scare me. "

And with precise aim,when he brought the smoke back to his mouth, she shot it right out his hand,the bullet flying through the ceiling catching everyone's attention.

The boy looked like he pissed his pants and quickly sat down. He called her out on her bluff and didn't want to see what she would do if he further provoked her.

"Thank you. Let's do this the right way. You see that door over there. That's my office. There is an ashtray and an Axe bottle on a shelf ten feet away from the door. That means you get rid of whatever smoke and freshen yourself up before you step foot in my office. When you step into my office,your pants and your waist must be best friends. Any pants under butt and I'm kicking you out. You obey my rules, the first one is no killing of anyone who isn't on our target list,if you do. That's it. You're out."

The crowd looked shocked. How could a little woman be so powerful? Some of the elder ones were smiling,it was about time someone took over from the last person that these 'noobs' would fear.

"I take that as a yes. First item on the agenda. Bulletproof windows,walls and floors. Get them installed by next week. That's it. Meeting adjourned."

The group got up and went their separate ways,each with their own view of this new leadership. Some liked it some didn't,naturally of course.

Josh came up to her,"the guys want to know what to call you."

"In my office I am Miss Hunter or Ma'am, outside the office,Mas will do."

"Yes ma'am!" He said and marched off.

She laughed at his antics. She kinda did like it here and she felt she could make a difference,do something she likes and make money at the same time.


Three weeks later Mas walked into the clinic and gave Nurse Johnson the exact amount of money she owed for her treatment,dropping a little extra in the cancer jar they had situated on the counter.

The nurse was surprised.

"Where did you get this from?"

"I found a job."

"Oh wow. I'm proud of you. And you are getting better and healthier. Jhonnie told me you took her to McDonald's the other day, something you'd never do."

Mas laughed with the nurse.

"Yes I know I know. I have been  feeling much better."

"That's great. I'll be getting back to work now but Sydny is expecting you."

She walked into Sydny's office as the nurse strolled away.

He was a bit preoccupied and didn't notice when she stepped in so she took the time to observe him.

His brown hair was getting a bit long and was overdue a cut,as it fell in his face.

She noticed his face looked distorted but she couldn't help but think about how cute he looked when he was stressed.

Her daughter had quickly grown to him and she thought maybe she was beginning to too.

"Oh hey Mas. Sit down, we need to talk."

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