Chapter Seventeen

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Sixteen year old Jhonnel sat at the window painting the scenery she saw outside. It's been about ten years since her mother had been incarcerated and if her calculations serve right should be about three more before she's released.

Mascina knew what she did wrong,there was no denying it. So she held her faith and her head up high and faced the verdict given by the jury. She wouldn't try to escape or do anything dangerous as that would only hurt those around her more than it would her.

Jhonnie still remembers it as if it were yesterday. Her mother on the bench,sweating like she would when she got too nervous. She bit her fingernails and lightly pulled on her hair as the trial went on. Jhonnie couldn't understand much of it at the time but as she grew older she began to comprehend why her mother did what she did.

She didn't resent her,not at all. Her mother saved her and she's glad she did or she wouldn't have this loving roof over her head right now.

Her stepfather however,thought differently. He found it difficult to forgive Mascina for her wrong doings and he doesn't know what will happen when she comes out in three years.

He would let the kids visit every month to see her and interact so she wouldn't miss everything of their lives but at the end of each meeting she would try to talk to Sydny and he wasn't having that so he would mumble something like "I'm busy. " or a "I need to go pick up Christian."

Their marriage was still ongoing on paper but in their hearts it was shattered beyond repair.

It didn't make matters easier for Sydny that Mascina had gotten pregnant during their honeymoon.

So when they found out she was brought to a special prison until she gave birth and the baby was given to Sydny.

Currently he's raising a sixteen year old, a twelve year old and an almost ten year old. Two boys,one girl.

It has been hard doing it on his own but he also had the help of his family and the love and support of Mascina's friends as well. They had managed to live the past ten years without her and in Sydny's mind they'd be able to continue on that way.

Jhonnie put the finishing touches on her painting and put it on the easel. As she continued to stare out the window she saw a figure approaching.

She hadn't known it was her mother because for two years now her stepfather would not bother to carry them to see her and so she could only speak by letters, and so they did.

The doorbell rang and Michael ran past his sister to open it.

"Michael," Sydny warned, "What did I tell you about opening doors without me there."

"But Jho Jho is right there," he whined.

"Then you let her answer it," he continued.

Mascina stood behind the door listening to her family bicker about such a simple thing and the corners of her mouth shot up. She hasn't heard their voices in so long. She hasn't seen them either and longed to so she rang the doorbell again to remind them that someone was still out there.

There was shuffling of feet and then she was face to face with Sydny.

Two opposite faces could be seen in the situation. One beaming and happy face and the other shocked and unexpected.

She launched herself on him and hugged him tight. Sydny didn't know what to do. She wasn't supposed to be here. And so when he muttered up the courage he lightly pushed her off.

"Did you break out?"

And with that Mascina's smile shattered. It hurt that Sydny thought so low of her that he would even ask that question.

"They took three years off for good behaviour," there was a long pause and her face was now in a dull and sad mood , "Where are the kids?"

Sydny tried to stop her from seeing them but Mas picked up the hint and shouted "They are my kids too Sydny! You can hate me all you want but they are my kids and I want to see them!!".

With that he stepped back and let her pass. He noticed how she behaved and made a note to watch her and her medication.

The two children had already been waiting behind Sydny when they heard the voice and attacked their mother as she stepped in with hugs and kisses. For the first time in a long she felt loved and she hugged her kids back and kissed them as well.

They both began throwing questions at her and curious words but Mas paused them and brought them over to the couch​ where she answered the questions and analyzed the changes she missed in those two years Sydny wouldn't bring them to see her. She smiled because this time she knew she was back for good and no matter what Sydny said she wouldn't miss anymore of her children's life.

Jhonnie and Michael had gone to bed and Gia and Mas sat in the living room with a glass of wine. Unlike Sydny and the kids,Gia visited her every week,sometimes twice a week for the entire ten years. She was glad she had her best friend by her side and someone to talk to.

Not once in her ten years had Christian come with the kids to visit and she didn't know what to make of that. She couldn't tell if he hated her or forgot about her but she longed to see how he grew as she did with her own children. She would have to wait however because he was spending time with his mother right now.

Occasionally she'd see her family. When they got the news,they were shocked but after Mascina sent a letter explaining why they somewhat understood. They'd make trips when they could afford to and made sure to mail her and make sure she was ok.

Everyone managed to keep the same feelings towards her throughout this. All except one,Sydny. And she didn't know how to change that.

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