Chapter Sixteen

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Jhonnie sat in the middle of her aunt's living room playing with her new found brother,Christian. The two year old child fascinated her greatly with his soft brown eyes and curly hair. He was not completely pale but had a little touch of tan to his skin as if he were kissed by the sun,maybe he got that from his mother.

His facial features however were definitely from his father. Eyes,nose,mouth,ears,he resembled him in almost every way possible.

He stared back at her,in his eyes, tall figure and used his tiny hands to explore her kinky dark hair.

The two got along well and often sat and played with the toys provided for them by their aunt.  Every once in a while Gia would come over to check on them and they would have another companion to play with.

Today however Jhonnie was awaiting the arrival of her parents by standing at the window and constantly looking out. Christian's mother had come to pick him up so she was rather lonely when her aunt left her with her uncle to go to work.

When it had been sundown however and her mother hadn't shown she began to get restless and worried mixed with some anxiety.

Gia swung by and picked her up bringing her to her house knowing exactly what happened to her mother.

She questioned Gia over and over again about the whereabouts of her parents and every time Gia would reply with the same sympathetic answer she didn't want to hear,that "she was running late".

Jhonnie didn't know what to make of this. Had her mother suddenly abandoned her?

Gia on the other hand was just praying her best friend was going to be OK. She had learnt that half way through the week she had been on a walk with Sydny when she was spotted and arrested. What for,she wouldn't share but she knew that it couldn't have been for the present work she does now.

No way it could have been. The only thing she was instructed to do was take Jhonnie and keep safe. Someone would try to take her apparently.

She took Jhonnie out the car and brought her into the supermarket to get snacks and before she could spin around to ask Jhonnie what kind of cereal she preferred, the child was out of sight.

Gia ran through the entire store screaming for Jhonnie but came up empty and immediately began to fret. She pulled out her phone and dialed the oh so familiar number and waited for an answer.

Mascina sat in the visitor's area,Sydny across from her with a slightly upset,very disappointed and confused face.

"Why didn't you tell me Mascina?!" He slammed his fist down on the table. This was the first she saw him this upset and it scared her.

"I was afraid you'd look at me different and that you'd stop talking to me,"she didn't cry much but she'd be lying if she didn't say the situation was drawing her close to tears.

"That you're a frigging fugitive?! Yes maybe I would have. Damn it. Mom was right. I can do better," and with that he swiftly got up from the table,face red in anger.

That blow hit hard for Mascina. She never imagined he'd say these words to her. She would have never thought that he would reacted this badly to anything she'd have to tell him,but he did,and that hurt more than the night when it all went down.

"Baby," that was the first time, "Please. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry!" The first time she ever begged a man to forgive her.

Sydny was too disappointed. It hadn't been about what she had done and how they would fix it but about he lies she told him. He couldn't bare to see her face at the moment in fear that she would cause him to cave from his stern,upset exterior which battled greatly with his interior.

Mascina by now had tears rolling down her cheeks as if it were a waterfall. They fell on her shirt and the feeling felt too foreign to her as if she had burnt herself. And she truly had. She burnt herself by setting herself up for this disaster. She didn't do the right thing and now karma came to bite her in the behind.

She couldn't imagine the one she loved so much leaving her.

"I'll see you in a couple days. I'm going to go sort things out with the court and see if I can legally adopt Jhonnie. Let her know what's going on. Keep her safe."

And with that he stormed out,leaving Mascina a mess and the guards to take her back to her dry and lonesome cell.

She hated being there. She hated not being able to rest in her husband's arms or comb her daughter's hair. She hated the feeling of being abandoned,lonely and someone's disappointment. Sadly for her case she was Sydny's.

Jhonnie cried for the next five nights straight. That's how long the government kept her in custody in a foster home until Sydny was allowed to take her home.

They had to check his records and paperwork and even do a lie detector test to prove he was not aware of what happened before.

And the hassle was worth it as he saw who he considered to be his little girl running out towards his awaiting arms,tears in her eyes but joy swelling in her heart.

She had come to learn about the situation her mother was in. She was still innocent and loved her mother dearly she couldn't understand the depth of the situation and why she had to be separated from her mother.

Jhonnie however,knew that no matter how tough the problem is her mother would break it down and solve it and so she waited for it patiently while she lived with Sydny. 

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