Chapter 2

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Y/n wakes up to the sun shining brightly through her window. She looks to her side and expects the brown haired beauty to be laying down beside her but what she sees is her gray pillow. Y/n sighs and tosses the pillow to the other side of the bed.

The singer is used to this, every morning she wakes up with the same hopes of at least one of her girlfriends laying down beside her. Instead of a person there's a pillow engulfed in Y/n's arms.

Y/n sits up from her bed and stretches her arms over her head. Her back makes a popping noise which oddly satisfies Y/n.

Y/n swings her legs over the side of the bed and stands up. Her vision blurs for a second, something that happens when she stands up too fast. She leans down and gently strokes Toulouse's, one of her dogs, soft coat.

"You can't just leave her al-" Normani scolds Camila while walking into Y/n's bedroom but stops once she sees Y/n standing there. "Oh hey." She says with a fake smile.

Y/n looks up and flashes the girls a toothless smile. "Hi." She rasps out in her morning voice.

"Sorry I left last night it-uh-turns out that they needed me at the studio." Camila lies with the same innocent smile plastered on her face that Y/n falls for every time.

Y/n nods. "It's fine." She says while continuing to run her fingers through Toulouse's tan coat.

"You're not mad?" Camila questions even though she already knows the answer.

Y/n rarely ever gets mad. The girls have never  heard Y/n raise her voice. She gets mad but she doesn't show it to anyone instead she bottles it up and pretends like everything is perfect.

"Nope." Y/n answers truthfully but without looking at the two girls standing in her bedroom doorway.

"Well we have to go meet up with the others for lunch." Normani says but in reality she just wants to get the hell out of this house.

"Have fun." Y/n says while sitting back down onto her bed.

The two girls leave without another word.

Y/n sighs knowing that she is going to be left alone in this giant house once again. At least she has her dogs though.


Normani laughs at a joke that her boyfriend, Arin Ray, had just told her. The couple is sitting in an open field while gazing up at the night sky.

Arin bites on his tongue debating at asking the question that has been bothering him for a long time.

Normani looks over at Arin and furrows her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" She asks the boy.

Arin sighs and decides to finally ask his secret girlfriend the question that has been bothering him. "When is this whole Y/n situation going to stop?" He asks.

Normani sighs and shakes her head. "Believe me, I want it to end as much as you do but it's not my decision it's Simons." She tells Arin who just nods his head and looks back at the stars.

Little did Normani know that Simon was currently typing the perfect text to terminate the girls relationship with Y/n. Simon is trying to create the perfect message that would break Y/n's innocent heart and give the girls the publicity they needed.

I hate filler chapters.

I'm so hyped for the vmas tonight. Ari is performing with Nicki, the girls are up for two awards & they are presenting.

Just so you know there will be an update every 5-7 days :)


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