Chapter 40

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"Okay I'm gonna die." Y/n tells Kendall as the duo enters the studio where Y/n's supposed to meet Beyoncé and her team.

Kendall laughs. "You've met her before calm down. She loves you!" She says to calm Y/n down.

As soon as Y/n sees the studio she lets Kendall walk in front of her so she doesn't have to go in first.

"Pussy." Kendall mumbles under her breath to Y/n as she walks towards the door.

"You are what you eat." Y/n says and sticks her tongue out at Kendall who rolls her eyes at Y/n.

"Y/n! Thank God you're here!" Some guy runs up to Y/n and Y/n tenses up at the sudden interaction. "We need you to sing a part on one of Beyoncés songs, then we can work on the writing." He says and ushers Y/n towards the recording booth.

"Uh." Y/n manages to get out as she's pushes into the booth by the man. Kendall watches the whole scene amused by Y/ns facial expressions.

"The lyrics are on the sheet." The man tells Y/n from outside the booth.

Y/n quickly scans over the lyrics on the sheet and makes an impressed face to herself, these lyrics are perfect for her mood right now.

"Now give us power, hatred, and passion." Some other woman tells Y/n from the microphone and Y/n nods her head. "Ready?" The same lady asks and Y/n nods her head again. "Go." The lady says and Y/n starts to sing the part.

"When you hurt me, you hurt yourself.
Don't hurt yourself..."


Thirty minutes later, Y/n was done and she quickly posted her emotions in a quick summary.

@/y/t/n: woah...that just happened

Kendall quickly moves over towards Y/n. "You did that!" She praises Y/n and quickly hugs her before Y/n gets called by people.

"Y/n! Come here please!" A new woman yells from an opened door while motioning her hand for Y/n to come towards her.

Y/n thanks Kendall before rushing over to the woman. She walks into the room and sees a large couch, a few chairs, and a couple tables to match the couch and chairs. Y/n looks at the people in the room, she recognizes a few producers and the one and only Beyoncé Knowles of course.

"Hey Y/n, nice to see you again." Beyoncé says casually while setting the paper that she was holding on the table in front of her. She was sitting in one of the chairs and she had a free chair next to her. "Come sit." Beyoncé tells a speechless Y/n as she pats the chair beside her.

"Hi." Y/n shyly greets everyone as she sits down.

"I appreciate the recording you did for me, I couldn't think of anyone else to do that song with me. Thank you." Beyoncé says while crossing her legs over each other.

Y/n blushes and shyly smiles. "It was an honor to do that. Thank you." She says and fold her hands together in her lap to try and hide some of her nervousness.

Beyoncé smiles and faces the rest of the group. "Let's continue." She says while placing a piece of paper in front of Y/n. "This is what we have so far." Beyoncé says while pointing at the lyrics on the sheet.

Y/n scans over the lyrics and she feels the emotions as she reads. She wonders why Beyoncé chose her out of all of the other songwriters in the world. The song that Y/n's looking at is full of emotion and Y/n can barely face her emotions, she has no idea how she's going to contribute to this song.


Y/n bites down on her lip as she looks at the small human in front of her. The child continues to make silly faces trying to get Y/n to crack.

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