Chapter 45

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Normani clicks through the Instagram stories on her feed. She clicks mindlessly through until she stumbles upon Y/ns story from last night. Normani watches as someone records Y/n as she's up on a stage performing with a guitar and she wonders what she's doing.

What distracts her from her thoughts is her name being called. "Yes?" Normani asks the group of people in front of her.

"It's your turn." One of the men says while another man opens the door into the recording booth.

Normani places her phone down on the table beside her and walks into the recording room.

Ally peeps into the room after taking a break to use the restroom, she sees Lauren, Camila, and Dinah sitting together on a couch in the corner of the room and Normani in the booth. She walks towards the couch which all of the girls are on and sits down beside Dinah.

Dinah leans into Ally and snaps a quick selfie of the two of them but not posting it, instead she keeps it for her memories. "Damn I always look cute." Dinah says while looking at herself in the picture.

"We always look cute." Ally corrects Dinah while smirking at her friend.

Dinah nods her head and closes out of the camera app and opens her twitter to scroll through her feed. Her feed was dry today, it was just the normal stuff so Dinah decided to turn her phone off.

Camila and Lauren are sitting next to each other but not engaging in a conversation. In fact, both of them are doing the opposite things. Camila is texting with her mom telling Sinu about how amazing and sweet Y/n is while Lauren is texting with Brad talking about how annoying and rude Y/n is. Normally Lauren doesn't rant to her boyfriend about Y/n but since she saw a picture of Y/n and her new friend, Madison, it set her off.

"Look at those two social butterflies over there." Ally remarks to Dinah about Lauren and Camila.

Lauren hears Ally and puts her phone down for a second. "I'm being social with my boyfriend." She says back and picks her phone up again.

"I'm texting my mom." Camila says happily while watching the little bubbles on the screen as her mom texts back.

Before Ally could reply to the two girls a very familiar noise can be heard from outside the studio room. Camila's head perks up at the sound and she stands up off of the couch.

Camila runs out of the room with Ally closely behind her. Normani watches the two girls run out of the room and wonders what's going on.

"Y/n!" Camila yells and latches onto Y/n just as Y/n was opening the door to the studio room down the hall. 

Y/n jumps and turns around to face Camila while closing the studio door knowing that the woman in there would be furious if her secret project was ruined. "Hi Camila." Y/ns eyes move to Ally. "And Ally." She greets her old friend then shifts her attention back to Camila. "What's up?" She asks the girl.

"We're recoding stuff for our album." Camila says proudly. "What are you doing here? Oh my god, are you recording stuff for your album cause I wanna hear." She says with a smile.

Y/n shakes her head and comes up with a quick response. "Nah I finished my album a long time ago, I'm here to help a friend with their music." She says with a smile that doesn't show her teeth.

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