Chapter 4

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Simon places his hands over his head while leaning onto the table. "Y/n doesn't care, our plan is ruined." He tells the group of girls sitting in front of him.

Fifth Harmony was called into a meeting with Simon about the whole Y/n situation. They knew that he was going to be mad with Y/n's response but they didn't care. The girls were just glad that it was over.

"But the tabloids are all over us saying how we're all bitches." Lauren debates while furrowing her eyebrows at her manager.

"But Y/n doesn't think that you're bitches and that was the whole point of this!" Simon raises his voice but settled back down after seeing the girls reaction to his outburst. "Y/n was supposed to hate you with a burning passion for breaking her heart. She was supposed to talk about you on interviews and destroy your reputation." Simon pauses which gives Ally a chance to speak.

"Isn't she going to write music about us?" Ally asks Simon which the man shakes his head to.

"Yes but she's smart enough to know not to release it. Instead she's going to release songs about the complete opposite." Simon says while leaning back into the comfortable black chair while looking at the giant wall of glass besides him. "I wouldn't be surprised if she actually moved on." He says while shaking his head.

Hearing this gave Camila an odd feeling in her stomach. It gave her the intention to want to hit or break something. She knew that Y/n wouldn't ever come back to her, not that she wanted that, but she wanted to kill anyone who Y/n had an interest in.


"I fucking hate clubs." Y/n whines for the millionth time while approaching the loud building.

"Lighten up, Y/n, you need to get your head off of those pieces of shit." Kendall says while resting her hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n laughs. "All that my mind is on right now is finishing my album." She says while removing Kendall's hand from her shoulder.

"We'll only stay for a few hours then we'll leave and never come back, deal?" Kendall questions Y/n since she knows that Y/n will just end up leaving early with someone else.

Y/n squints her eyes at Kendall before nodding her head. "Deal." She says confidentially before stepping out of the vehicle and into the smoke smelling parking lot.

Instantly the two girls get mobbed by paparazzi which causes Y/n to cover her eyes with her hands from the bright lights.

"Y/n, Kendall what are you girls doing here?" One of them asks.

"Are you two dating?" Another one yells at us.

Kendall moves around the car and onto Y/n's side. She intertwines her arm with Y/n's and begins leading the both of them through the mob.

"Y/n do you still love Fifth Harmony?" Another asks which Y/n rolls her eyes to.

Y/n is clutching onto Kendall for dear life while making sure that the paparazzi get good pictures of her since she doesn't want any horrible pictures of her turning into jokes on the internet.

Right then, security comes out of the back door to help the two women in. Y/n tunes out the rest of the paparazzis questions until she gets inside where the smell of sweat and alcohol cause her to make a disgusted face.

Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmony/ You Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang