Chapter 48

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It's a little past noon and Y/n and Normani are in the kitchen trying to decide which kinds of ice cream to bring upstairs, since they already finished the last tub. Y/n keeps on peeping into the living room to see if Shay has woken up yet, which she hasn't.

"Okay. I think we should try all of the flavors and pick our favorites." Normani says looking down at the line of eight ice cream tubs.

"I told you that I don't care which kinds we bring, you're choosing." Y/n tells Normani once again, and Normani ignores her.

"This one first." Normani says bringing the vanilla ice cream closer to her.

"I already know what vanilla tastes like." Y/n dramatically groans to Normani.

"Yeah well so do I and I'm still eating it. Stop complaining and eat the ice cream." Normani commands Y/n. These past few hours with Y/n have made her super comfortable around the girl. She can feel the tense air between the both of them drop and now it's like old times when they would joke around with each other.

Y/n jokingly rolls her eyes, which earns her a slap on the shoulder, before dipping her finger into the vanilla ice cream at the same time that Normani does. She inserts her finger into her mouth and sucks off the ice cream. "Tastes like vanilla." Y/n says in a monotone voice.

Normani glares at her. "Damn could you at least act like you're having fun." She says while grabbing another tub of ice cream.

"I am having fun!" Y/n quickly says while leaning against the kitchen counter. "I already know what all of these taste like though." She continues motioning to the tubs of ice cream.

"Such a buzzkill." Normani says while dipping her finger into the salted caramel flavor. She moans at the taste of it. "So good." She says.

"Me? A buzzkill?" Y/n asks Normani who nods in response. She pushes herself off of the table. "I'm the fucking opposite of a buzzkill." She informs Normani while having a taste of the salted caramel for herself.

"Can y'all like shut the hell up? I'm trying to sleep in here!" Shay yells from the couch in the living room and Y/n watches her adjust her position.

"You've been sleeping for like twelve hours." Y/n tells Shay while rolling her eyes to herself.

Suddenly, a few butterflies come back into Normani's stomach since she's nervous about what Shay will think of her and Y/n being like this again. She doesn't know if she's friends with Y/n or not, she hopes that she is.

"I'm a busy woman." Shay replies while taking the pillow off of her head and sitting up. "She's still here?" She asks after looking directly at Normani.

Normani can feel her heart drop. She wants to leave before Shay calls Kendall and all hell breaks loose.

"Yes Normani's still here." Y/n tells Shay while glaring at her. She told Shay last night to be kind to Normani if she saw her, but Shay must've forgotten that.

"That's good." Shay says while standing up off of the couch. "The other two were kinda like apologize and get the hell out, but I like this." She says while walking into the kitchen and sitting at one of the chairs that's next to the kitchen island.

All of the nerves in Normani's stomach went away after hearing that. She smiles and looks over at Y/n who's dipping her finger in another flavor of ice cream.

"So Normani, what's your intentions with Y/n?" Shay asks while very jokingly squinting her eyes at Normani, which was obvious since Shay was smiling.

"Don't answer that." Y/n tells Normani like a lawyer would in an interrogation while glaring at Shay.

"I hope that she forgives me and that maybe if she's comfortable enough we can be friends." Normani says going against Y/ns wishes.

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