Chapter 29

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"Y/ns music deserves so much more recognition than it is given." Jade says into the microphone and the three other girls sigh since this is the third time they've heard this speech today. "So-"

"Jade, come here for a second." One of the girls managers says and Jade walks out of the interview room.

"I'm sorry, it's just they make me so mad." Jade apologizes while sitting down on the couch and crossing her legs over each other.

The man leaves the room, leaving Jade by herself, besides Y/n who's hiding in the corner.

Jade sighs and puts her head in her hands. She takes her phone out and begins to text Y/n, knowing that she would be sleeping at this hour and won't pick up the phone.

Y/n watches Jade with a smile, and decides to make herself known. She creeps up behind Jade and jumps over the couch, landing right on top of her legs.

Jade screams so loud that the girls in the other room can hear it. She protects her face from the mysterious person, but once she hears Y/ns laugh she screams. "Y/n!" Jade yells at the top of her lungs, which could put Leigh to shame, and hugs Y/n tightly.

Y/n readjusts herself and hugs Jade just as tightly back. "You just had to cause trouble didn't you." She says and pulls away a little.

"You saw it?" Jade asks shyly and her face turns slightly red.

Y/n shakes her head. "Jesy told me." She says and gets off of Jades legs.

"Jade why did you scr-" Perrie cuts herself off as soon as she sees Y/n. "My eyes must be deceiving me." She says while wiping her eyes with her hands.

Just as Perrie is about to smother Y/n in hugs in kisses, overprotective Jade steps up. "Back off, she came for me, and only me." She growls while holding onto Y/ns waist.

Perrie looks from Jade to Y/n and laughs. "I need my Y/n hugs." She says with a pout.

Y/ns heart was about to explode from cuteness overload. "Oh my god, stop you're hurting my heart." She says while breaking free and latching onto Perrie.

Jade growls and crosses her arms over her chest before dramatically slamming her back against the couch. Leigh-Anne, on the other hand, takes a picture of the two knowing they Perrie would want one.

"Finally." Jesy says while looking at Y/n as she walks into the room. "I need my Y/n love." She says in a higher pitched voice than normal.

Y/n releases herself from Perrie and jumps onto Leigh-Anne, ignoring Jesy. "My little munchkin!" Leigh coos while kissing Y/ns cheek.

"Woah take me on a date first." Y/n says while teasingly pushing Leigh away.

Leigh-Anne laughs before reaching behind her to grab some water. She looks at Jade who is still being dramatic and pouting on the couch.

Jesy scoops Y/n into her arms. Y/n struggles against it and tries to break free. "You know you love me." Jesy says while rocking her and Y/n back and forth as if they were dancing.

"You're right." Y/n says and hugs Jesy back.

"Y/nn!" Jade whines from the couch like a six year old.

Same Mistakes (A Fifth Harmony/ You Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα