Promise (Part 2)

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Clarissa POV

    I waited for Xavier to say something after they left, but he was irritably very quiet, it has been almost an hour since they left, I waited for him to say or do something but in return all I got was the awkward silence. Did he left too, or is he asleep. Oh! Thank God, its good that he is taking some rest, he needs to rest, after Mariya told me that he hasn't slept for whole two days neither got up from the chair, I was too worried, what does this boy thinks. I am too furious at him and not only him but on Mariya too. It can be understood that Xavier was awake all the time, he gets emotional very easily but I thought that Mariya has some brains but by not sleeping and eating that girl has also proved me wrong. Just wait till I get up.

    My mind just rode off to different assumptions, but it came to an abrupt and harsh halt when I heard a sniff, it was very low but as the room was very silent, I caught it.

   And then came the another sniff, then another. My brows furrowed with confusion, then realization hit me, square in the face.

    He is here and awake too but is he crying. Is Xavier crying? Oh God!

    As if hearing my thoughts a loud sob break through the air, slicing the awkward silence. My heart pained, hearing him cry and breaking like this. My mind was getting foggy, thinking I was the culprit, I am the one who put him in this situation. I am the reason behind his tears.

    My heart squeezed hard, almost knocking the breath out of me at that thought, of him crying. I opened my eyes to see him and make him realize that I was awake and can hear him. To male the idiot realize that I was fine. But my eyes didn't supported my brain as I only saw darkness. I tried to move my hand and wipe his tears off but to no avail, all my body parts, they felt numb, almost paralyzed.

     My eyes shut closed at the realization. I opened my mouth to make out some words but they were blocked in my throat, my mouth, well, it didn't opened either. It was just my imagination before too, that I moved my hand and mouth but the fact is they are not moving, they are inactive.

    I sucked a hard breath as defeat overwhelmed me. I can't do anything rather than lying here helpless. Damn, I really am worthless. I can't even move my own body parts.

    I was just cursing all the insults that I know, at me but I was stopped in my track by a warm and rough hand which took my small hands in his large palm, enveloping them with his warmness. I stopped struggling against my body and just enjoyed the moment to its most.

    What happened, what is happening, is he alright, is he leaving, is he disgusted by me, panic surged through me. But as I heard his broken voice, my panic vanished in an instant.

    "Please get up, doll. I really miss you, we all miss you. I know, we just met a few days ago, but the moment I saw you at our border, helpless, vulnerable and dying out of blood loss. My voice drained away, I couldn't move, I couldn't say anything, as my eyes stayed fixated on you all the time, laying there in your own pool of blood. My consciousness kicked in when Alpha came and ordered the parademic staff to start the operation. I was with you all the time, you were barely breathing, your heart beat was too small to save, yet we tried everything in our power to save you." His weak voice shuddered me from the inside, I never thought that some stranger would feel so bad for me.

    "You reminded me of my sister, the moment my eyes land on you, I couldn't take them away, outside I was frozen like a statue but from the inside I was going through a turmoil of emotions. I pushed everybody and took you in my arms just like I did to my sister who was slowly dying. I couldn't save her, I tried everything but she was gone. She stabbed herself so many times that her blood couldn't stop from coming out and I was very confused and panicked at that time to think straight. By the moment I got her to the hospital she was dead, she stayed limp in my arms all the while and my brain told me that she was no longer but I couldn't absorb the fact and yelled at everyone to save her. Instead everyone tried to reassure me rather than helping her and my anger got the best of it. I almost killed one of the doctors. And I would have killed him if Carlton wouldn't have came at the right time" my heart stopped, he was letting out all the bitter and harshful memories that he has to go through and I just couldn't help but cry at his loss. My heart pained just like his, for his dead sister.

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