Requited or Unrequited Hate?

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Recap: Clarissa came to Mr. Ajax Sylvester for training with a request letter from Alpha Carlton and after some tests he starts taking her seriously. They have been to many places like a desert, forest, mountains, cold places, cities (for tech study) and lastly underground fights. There Clarissa takes on King and he dies when she is overtaken by unknown power and he somehow later revives but she loses consciousness as unexplainable injuries starts forming on her body. She later dreams of King again where she rips his heart out and there Tyler appears, where he taunts and accuses her of being a monster. She later has a fight with Mr. Sylvester where he surprise attacks her saying she has already failed him by being weak for a week and this shocks her. In between the fight she puts a stake on his heart and instead of fighting her, he grabs her hold of the stake pointed at his heart and tells her to kill him but she doesn't. She asks him what happened in the ring with King and what was the source of the unknown power? He doesn't gives her a clear answer except advising her to find it on her own as that will be best.


Clarissa's POV

     My mind was going in circles in order to interpret what he meant by those words? Is the answer to my problem that bashful and shameful that he can't even say it in my face? Is the truth that terrifying to reveal? He has never hesitated before, not even when he ripped the head out of that rogue's body then why now?

     I growled angrily as I came to a halt. Last night, I couldn't get any sleep because of his confusing words and today, he knew, I would ask again, that's why he...he...threw me out. He literally kicked me out of the tent in the cold when the sun wasn't even up. On top of that, he never even told me where we are and when I was about to shift to understand my surroundings better, he stopped me. Reasoning that I better behave as we are in a civilized area. Well, at least he let me know that we are among humans!

     With his stiff back faced towards me, he told me to head north and as I was so engulfed with confusion, I didn't ask him why? Just puffed at his rude attitude and went away jogging and thus, here I am holding my head as I could feel another headache building.

    My anger got the best of me and instead of resting for a little while, I started again cursing and planning his murder on how to rip his...

    My legs abruptly stopped as my mind already examined the scene before me before I could see. I didn't let my eyes close down as I took in the view before me. My nose was irritated with all the salty smell wafting in the air while my lips dried up although layers and layers of water was shimmering right before my eyes.

     Even in the worst case scenarios, I stayed calm and with a patient mind closed my eyes and started counting but the noise of waves hitting the shores made me clench my fist in control.

     I can't go back from where I came? I don't want to! is not possible! It's just another crooked dream to make me scared and afraid. It isn't true but I jolted awake as a loud tide hit the beach making me yelp and I ended up opening my eyes in fright.

     'Tyler, Alexa... please...listen to me. I can explain...Alexa...!' I begged but no one heard.

     'Anyone? Please...believe me!' I wailed, my tears stroking my face as everyone threw rocks on me.

     'I'm saying the me...Alexa...Tyler...' I screamed in pain and panic as some people picked me up. I begged and cried but no one stopped them as they brutally threw me in the sea.

     I cringed at the memory as I unconsciously took a step back. I remember the taste of that salty water; both of the sea and of my tears. I remember the color of water around me. I remember how much I cried for them, how much I begged them! I remember how much I loved them. I remember the trust I had for them, for my friend- Alexa and for my childhood best friend and mate- Tyler... 

A Never Noticed MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ