A New Start...

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Clarissa POV

    I screamed a loud "No"

    She stopped her ranting and looked at me surprised, I was still shaking with fear and anger, I just don't know which was more. My heart rate picked up as I looked away from her, not being able to face her.

    "What did you say?" She yelled, causing me to back off.

    When I still didn't answer her, she asked me again "Don't stay silent on me, Clarissa. I asked, what did you just said?" Her voice was beyond furious.

    "Tell me Clarissa, what did you just said or I promise your mate won't be able to see tomorrows sunrise...." She ranted on but I cut her off with an angry growl.

   "No, I said No" I looked at her with glossy eyes and stomped my foot stubbornly.

   "What the.." She started but I didn't let her finish.

    "I said No and that's final, you won't do anything to my...... Mate and ....... Alexa" I hesitated a bit, but looked directly at her, challenging her to cross my words.

    "Your final what, decision. Oh Clarissa, stop it. I know you want them dead" she said mocking me while putting her hands on her hips and gave me one of her devilish smirks.

    A furious growl ripped through my chest and I swear, I could feel the house shaking. Mariya too looked horrified and moved a step or two. A wave of guilt struck me full force due to the look that reflected on her face.

    "I said No, I don't want you to kill them or anyone even touching them. I just want to let go and forget my past" I whispered, sighed and fall on the bed with a thump, my tears didn't knew no end, they kept on glistening my cheeks.

     "And how will you that, by just letting them ruin you." There was this harsh truth in her words that I couldn't accept. "You have lost everything, look at you, its like you have no soul, you look like a zombie, there's no light, no hope in your eyes. Your body has nothing to wake up too, you lost your courage, its like you are living just because of us" she came to me and started shaking me vigorously with my shoulders.

     "Its okay. I will find a way to live with....." This time she cut me off with a hard piercing glare and I moved uncomfortably on my spot.

    "You haven't been able to let your past go till now, how do you think will you do it, now" she screamed like a was a child and couldn't understand anything.

    "I.... I don't know" I said not knowing what to say, the thing is I haven't even myself figured that out.

    "See, that's what I am trying to tell you, and I'm even offering a deal to you, no not offering, that is not the right word. The right word is I've decided I will kill that pathetic excuse of a mate but not before torturing him to death and that useless betrayer of a friend, I've more interesting plans for her" her evil smirk was back and she looked lost, deep in thought, probably thinking of the ways to relish every second of their torture.

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