Chapter 7: It's Better Than Waiter

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The spot beside me on my bed dips, causing me to wake up, but not open my eyes.

"Ella," Maggie whispers. "You're going to be late for school."

I groan and flip on my side away from her. "I'm not going," I grumble. "I need a day to wallow in self pity and take naps."

"If you're not going to school, then you can explain the empty beer bottle on your nightstand," she says.

Shit. I forgot about that.

Slowly, I push myself up and lean back against my pillows. "I couldn't fall asleep," I tell her and tuck my hair away from my face. "I thought it'd help, which apparently it did. Slept like a baby once I could breathe."

Maggie looks at me sadly and I hate that look. Makes me feel more pathetic than I already am. "I guess if you're going to drink, I'd rather you do it here," she tells me. "I didn't even hear you come in. You should've woke me up."

"I know," I murmur. "But I've bothered you enough with my problems."

"You never bother me," she says. "Tell me everything."

I take a deep breath and exhale before starting at the beginning, which is my date with Kameron, going on into my short conversation with my mom, and end with everything that happened at the diner. "What else was I supposed to do? I can't go live with her."

Maggie lifts her legs on the bed and crosses them before leaning on her elbow. "You're not going to live with her," Maggie tells me. "You'll live here with me and Tyler. Victoria will get what she wants and you're better off with me anyway."

My eyes burn. Every time I start to cry, I feel weak. I've been doing too much of that recently. "I know you keep telling me I can live here, but I can't do that to you guys. You're about to get married—"

"So? We've been wondering when you'd come live with us since you turned eighteen. The whole marriage thing isn't a problem. We're practically married anyway."

I laugh. "That's true," I say. "What I just don't understand is why no one in my family gives a shit about me. My mom and Victoria both want their freedom, my dad cares but doesn't at the same time, and Peter's apparently in New York."

"I'm your family," she says softly. "So is Tyler. Reset Space is your family. The Reset Space family sticks together."

I can't help but laugh again. "I like the sound of this family better."

Maggie smiles. "Family isn't always blood."

"I know. I guess it's just frustrating. But I'll get over it. It's nothing I haven't dealt with before and it's sad that I have to say that."

"It is," Maggie breathes. "Now we just gotta get your stuff and you're free. You wanna go now?"

I shake my head. "No, I'll go back sometime next week. I'll need Parker to help and I just kinda wanna put that in the back of my head for now."

"And you wanna see if your mom leaves?"

"Is it that obvious?"

Maggie shrugs. "You don't wanna deal with her."

"Doesn't that make me a coward just running away from my problems?" I question.

Maggie shakes her head. "No, you're not a coward. If you can save yourself from pain, do it. But don't keep things bottled up."

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