Chapter 16: Alaska

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It had been a long day to say the least.

I've developed a new rule for school, avoid any and all boys except Parker.

So far, this rule has been working. Kind of.

This morning, Jamie Rorker was waiting for me at my locker with a smug look on his face, so I didn't go to my locker until after lunch. I had all my books for my morning classes with me anyway, since I studied everything last night so that wasn't too bad.

Then at lunch, when I made my way to my usual lunch table with Remi and Parker, another boy, one who I have never spoken to, came out of nowhere with a giant teddy bear like it was Valentine's Day or something. All the way to my table, I silently prayed that this random boy wasn't waiting for me. Granted he was cute, but I just couldn't take another Victoria Bribed Secret Admirer (that's what I had taken to calling them since that's all they really were). So instead of sitting down with my friends, I ran out to the parking lot with my food and sat in my car for the remainder of lunch.

To top this day off, Mrs. Carrie called me in after class to tell me that Marco Gonzalez, also known as the school's biggest douche, had specifically asked for me to tutor him in science. Why? Why did it have to be me? When was this all going to end?

I am so tired and all I really want is someone who will understand but not think that I'm being weird about this.

Am I being weird about this? Other girls would probably gloat about how many guys have asked them out in just one week. Not me. Right now, all I want to do is go find and strangle Victoria.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It better not be Victoria or worse—she could have given another one of her guys my number and now I'll have to get a new phone number.

But it's just Maggie, thank goodness.

Just wanted to let you know, the guys are having band practice so it might be a bit loud if you want to study.

Noise was the last thing I need right now, especially with the headache I'm currently sprouting.

Thanks. I'll be home later then.

Okay, see you then x

Well I guess that rules out going home. There's only one place to go now: Jenny's Diner. My stomach grumbles at the thought. Considering that I didn't get to eat much of my lunch, Jenny's Diner is the perfect place for me right now.


I sigh as I slide into my preferred booth. Just the smell of the place was enough to calm my nerves, but I'm still in the mood to strangle Victoria. I open my new book, Something Like Fate and start to read. Something about a new book just always makes me happy and right now, I'm trying everything to get my mind off of everything.

"Hello, my name is Kent and I'll be your wai—"

"Hey, Kent, I uh, got this table," I hear a familiar voice say.

"But, dude, you have three tables right now and this is my first on my shift."

"I'll trade you the Jackson's for this table. And you know how good they tip." I look over at Jasper, silently questioning him. But all he does is grin at me.

"Alright. Thanks, man." Then Kent turns to me and says, "Forget everything I just told you, this is Jasper and he will be your waiter for today. Not that you didn't know that since every time you're here, he's always your waiter."

Jasper gives him a look. "Thanks for the much unneeded information. Now go."

I watch as Kent walks over to the table on the other side of the diner and smiles at the family of five. I turn to Jasper. "You didn't have to be that mean."

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