Chapter 42: Ella's Future Baby Maker

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I don't remember falling asleep on the floor.

Especially curled against Jasper's side with my face tucked against the crook of his neck. With each breath I inhale, I breathe Jasper in as well. The security of Jasper surrounding me is something I really don't want to break.

Last night all I remember is making a bed on the floor and watching movies all night, maybe stealing a few kisses in between. He wasn't meant to fall asleep, but I was passed out before he was. I should probably rush and get my boyfriend out of the house, but my door is wide open and we're on the floor.

Maggie and Tyler got home pretty late last night. I did open my present, which was a gift card to my favorite bookstore. The amount of money on it is going to keep me well occupied for a while. Remi and Parker came over last night as well. They stayed long enough to watch two Christmas movies, eat with us, and they left as well. Parker's trying to be better about Nathan. And Remi, well, she's Remi. She's always happy to be around people.

I melt further against Jasper and try to go back to sleep, but he starts stirring the moment I feel myself drifting off. He wraps me tighter in his arms without a second thought. My hand that's placed over his heart can feel the slight jump in the beat and it makes me smile. Jasper's heart always gives away his secrets.

"I know you're awake," I murmur.

"No I'm not," he grumbles.

I give a light laugh and kiss his neck. "If only I could've woken up like this yesterday morning." If it's possible to snuggle closer, I do. "I'm freezing."

Jasper tugs the blanket up more above my shoulder. "Better?"

I hum in approval. "You're very warm."

The small rumble of his chuckle vibrates against my hand. "I'm glad I can be used for something."

"My warrior," I joke

He laughs once more and rubs the side of my arm. "That's all I want to be."

I feel myself drifting towards sleep again and I'm so close, but Jasper speaks again. "What do you wanna do today?"

"Be lazy," I reply. "Cuddle. Read. Watch more silly movies."

Jasper lightly kisses my temple. "The mother of all plans," he says jokingly. "What time are the twins coming over?"

"After dinner."

"You know that makes me nervous, right?"

I give a small laugh. "Don't worry. We won't talk about you, Jasper. We're obviously planning world domination."

"No surprises there," he says. "But you already rule my world."

Bracing my palm on his chest, I push myself up and fold my knees underneath me. "Sorry, just had to make sure it was you," I comment. "That was way too smooth."

He bends his arm behind his head and lazily grins at me. "I'm not fully awake right now so you can't hold anything against me for another ten minutes."

It's my turn to grin at him. "No promises." Then I tap on his stomach and stand. "I have an extra toothbrush for you."

Absolutely no movement on his part. "Not awake for another ten minutes."

I step over him anyway to get to my bathroom. He'll get his ten minutes if he absolutely needs it. I shut the door and start my morning routine. It takes me five to take care of bathroom activities, my last one involving running a brush through my hair and putting it up until I have time to shower and wash it.

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