Chapter 26: You Make My Heart Happy

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Song: Common Ground by Our Last Night

"We can't find common ground so we agree to burn it down
We can't let it burn down so we need to find common ground."


"Is anyone there yet?" I ask Jasper.

His voice comes through the speaker of my phone, that's laying on my bed while I get dressed. "Grandparent's got here last night," he tells me. "Jasmine will be here with her husband in a few minutes."

I grab my black tights and pull them on beneath my maroon sweater dress. "I'm excited to meet your family," I say. "Well, more of your family."

Jasper laughs. "Hopefully they're not too embarrassing."

I plop down on my bed and start putting on a pair of black oxford heels. "You're easily embarrassed, Jasper," I tease. "It'll be fine though."

He breathes out and says, "If you say so."

Grabbing my phone, I move to the vanity to finish my hair. "I probably won't be at Parker's too long. He probably won't let me stay long anyway."

"I can't wait to see you," He says.

At first I'm slightly shocked and then I can't stop my smile. "I can't wait to see you." I grab one of my black clips and pin one side of my blonde curls back. "I'll call you when I'm on my way."

"I'll be waiting," he replies. "See you soon."

"See you soon, Jas," I reply.

We both hang up and I stand quickly. I take my phone, stuffing it inside of a black clutch Maggie let me borrow. Since I don't have a place to store it, the phone has to go somewhere, along with my keys.

Before I leave, I tell Maggie and Tyler bye. Maggie's been up since seven, already cooking up a storm. The house smells amazing, so she's definitely doing something right.

It's just a little past noon, so if I stay at Parker's for at least an hour or two, I'll make it to Jasper's in time for their dinner. The drive to Parker's is short, about ten minutes if that so I get there a little over that with the Thanksgiving traffic.

There's already cars lined up on the road and their driveway is filled as well. I have to park a little way down, but I can't complain because the walk gives me time to prepare. It's weird to be nervous. Parker's house has never made me nervous. When I reach the door, my time is demolished once I ring the doorbell.

I expect Parker to answer the door, but I'm actually too surprised to see Nathan. Of course, with a beaming smile. "Parker told me you were coming," he says.

"I can never say no to Parker," I murmur.

Nathan never reminded me of Parker, which was definitely a good thing. He has strong, solid features while Parker is more boyish and adorable. Nathan's eyes are a hazel, more green than brown. Taller and can easily make anyone weak in the knees with his smile. The times we had weren't all that bad, but now, all I can think about is Jasper.

He steps back opens the door wide enough for me to step through. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good," I reply. "How's school going?"

"Good too." He shuts the door and stands in front of me. "You look great."

The compliment catches me off guard completely and causes me to blush. "Oh, thank you. Is Parker in his room?"

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