Chapter 51: I'll Wait

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Song: Little Do You Know by Alex & Sierra

"Underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind
I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight
Little do you know
I need a little more time."

"Okay, I went through the rest of the week, now I'm going."

            Maggie crosses her arms and shakes her head. "You are not going to Georgia alone, Ella. I've been pretty easy on you since you moved in, but like hell you're going all the way to Atlanta."

            "I won't be going alone," I tell her. "Parker said he'd go and Jasper's brother would be going too. I've thought all of this through."

            "That doesn't mean I won't worry. Why didn't you ask me to go?"

            "You have a lot to do here," I tell her and then go to my closet to find a small bag for some clothes. "I already booked a hotel room. It'll be fine, don't worry. I'll call you when I get there. Parker is on his way and then we'll pick up Jaylen—"

            "That's a six-hour drive," she asserts. "And it's possible you're going to get stuck in traffic. Why don't you just go in the morning?"

            I shake my head and start gathering a few essentials. "I've already wasted enough time. We'll take turns driving and the sooner I leave the sooner I'll get there."

            Tyler appears in my room, ready to ask Maggie something, but looks at me with narrowed brows. "Where are you off to?"

            "I need to talk to Jasper," I rush and zip up my backpack.

            Tyler glances at Maggie and back to me. "Did he come back?"

            "Not exactly," I murmur. "I'm driving to Georgia tonight."

            Tyler's eyes widen. "And I'm just now hearing about this?"

            Maggie rubs at one of her temples. "We've already talked. Parker and Jasper's brother will be going with her. She'll be home Sunday afternoon, not Sunday night. Oh, and we'll get phone calls."

            I snort. "Yes to all of that. I'm eighteen, not eight. I'll be fine."

            The doorbell rings downstairs and I breathe a sigh of relief. Talk about saved by the bell and I'll have to thank Parker for that later.

            With my bag on my shoulder, I walk down the stairs and open the door. Parker's grinning at me with a bag filled with candy in his hand. "Who wants cavities?"

            "How much candy did you buy?" I question while stepping outside.

            Parker hums and says, "Well, the lady at the counter gave me a look every time she put something in the bag so I guess you can say I bought a lot. And don't worry, I got gummy worms."

            I smile. "Perfect."

            Before leaving with Parker, I tell Tyler and Maggie bye, hugging them both as well. Maggie's not as reluctant to let me go this time, but she doesn't really like the idea of me going so far. I guess going to Miami was different.

            Parker has already torn into the candy about halfway to the Cunningham house.

            I was surprised when Jaylen said he wanted to go. Maybe he secretly misses his brothers, but won't admit it. I'm sure he's used to Jarod being gone, but not Jasper. Even though they fight often, I think Jasper and Jaylen are pretty close. At least closer than either of them will admit.

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