Chapter 25: Sweet Like Cherries

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Song: Bukowski by Moose Blood

"To keep warm, I'll bring a sweater
you can have mine, it looks better
and honestly, you can take it home."


         Parker's staring at me weirdly across the library table. He wiggles his eyebrows before raising one in my direction. He starts making weird faces in attempt to make me laugh, I'm guessing. It almost works, but instead I'm wondering what's wrong with him.

            "Your face is going to get stuck like that," I grumble.

            "I'll be cute no matter what," he retorts.

            I shake my head and lean back in my seat. "You've been around Tyler way too much I think. Where's Remi?"

            "Detention," he answers. "So where's the boyfriend?"

            I've been getting annoyed at everyone calling Jasper my boyfriend, but now it's really getting annoying because he hasn't talked to me in days. "Jasper isn't my boyfriend," I say quickly. "But I haven't seen him, so I don't know where he is, Parker."  

            "No need to get defensive," he says and playfully kicks my leg. "Maybe you should just go to Jenny's."

            "He doesn't work today."

            "Okay, then do you wanna hang out tonight? Nathan's home for Thanksgiving and I really don't wanna go home. He's been really annoying since he started college. Apparently he's smarter now."

            I snort. "He's always been smart."

            Parker shrugs a shoulder. "I'll always be in his shadow, Ella."

            If there's anything I understand, it's being in the older sibling's shadow. "I'm sorry," I say quietly. "You can spend the night tonight if you want. I mean, you'll have to go through a Tyler interrogation, but you know you're welcome there whenever."

            Parker sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "I'd rather go through Tyler's interrogation than sit through another session of my parent's drooling over Nathan."

            I smile sadly. "Just come over tonight."

            He gives me a small smile and nods. "Thank you. Do you think I could talk to you about something tonight? I still haven't had a chance."

            I start placing stuff back in my backpack. "Yeah," I answer. "Is everything okay?"

            Parker looks like a lost puppy with his wide, brown eyes. "Everything's fine. Just need your opinion on something, I guess. I don't know how to explain it."

            Standing, I sling the strap over my shoulder with a sigh. "Tonight it is. I'll see you later."

            He gives me another weak smile before I retreat from the school library.

* * *

When school lets out, I skip out on everything including my locker and go to my car. Inside, I let the air cool the car off and find my phone to check my messages.  

            I'm surprised to see one from Jasper. It literally makes my heart jolt. He told me to call him when I get out of school and I don't hesitate to tap the small phone button by his name. It kind of makes me feel stupid how quickly I call him.        

Best Kept Lies (Best Kept #3)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora