The Change

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I knew someone was following me.

I could hear their footsteps ever so quietly tap, tap, tap rhythmically on the sidewalk, I could hear them muttering to themselves too, very quietly. They've been following me for a week now, I haven't told anyone because, well I guess it never really came up? I knew it without a doubt that they were following me but I wasn't worried, I may be small but I know how to hold my own if push-comes-to-shove. I was rounding the corner in the street that leads to my house, they usually go away by now, but tonight they didn't. I picked up my pace, I never actually saw them I only heard them. What if they actually decided to make a move tonight? The thought made me cringe. No matter what I did not want to meet my stalker face-to-face. That gave me enough motivation to pick up my pace.

There's one street light on my road, which is right in front of my house. So when I saw the light I let out a sigh of relief. The person was still behind me, but they didn't pick up the same pace--they didn't slow down either. The same tap, tap, tap never wavering from its rhythmic sound. I hurriedly unlocked the metal gate that surrounds my house. My aunt gave me a key when I first moved in.

I was at my deceased mother and father's funeral when she walked up to me, smiling none the less, and said; "Since my sister who is also your mom is dead, I will be your new mommy."

I had no idea what she meant, I was only six so I didn't really understand what was happening. I moved in with her a week later, at first it wasn't bad--I even think that I was happy in the beginning. Then she got a perverted boyfriend, and my life changed yet again. My aunt began working long hours at night, the rules and what was expected of me changed, hell we even moved, which we moved back shortly after they separated but still. All so she can be with her boyfriend, who she met online on a website I've never heard of.

I closed the gate behind me making sure to lock it without looking up. It was only around three feet high, but it still gave me a sense of safety. As I was about to open the door I had an itching feeling to look behind me. I gave in and I looked behind me, at the street.

Bad idea.

There was a person who looked to be around my age so, maybe seventeen. He was about four inches taller than me, with thick corn blond hair that went every which way. I could only see half of their face because the streetlight cast a shadow, but I could see their whole body. They were wearing a school uniform, identical to mine.

Which meant that they went to the same school as me, and possibly shared some classes. The thought creeped me out, and they just had the scariest smile on their face. Like this was a great fucking time to them and it made me feel as if they were mocking me. They looked me in the eyes and I felt my face pale and my heart dropped. Their eyes were full of mischief and amusement from the look on my face.

I quickly opened the door and locked it behind me after I got inside. Shit, I thought, what the fuck was that? I tried to get the thoughts of the persons face out of my head, but I couldn't. The way they looked at me... The memory sent shivers down my spine. One thing's for certain, I never want to see that face ever again.

In the meantime, I decided to do homework. It helped me focus on something else than the encounter outside. When I was done I looked at the clock to check the time, 9:14 p.m. It will be a while before my aunt comes back from her nightly drinking. She's been drinking ever since the boyfriend, Mr. Pervert is what I like to call him, and she broke up. She blames me for making him 'leave'. One night my aunt was working a long shift, which left Mr. Pervert and me alone. I was ten at the time and since it was a school night I was sleeping. Mr. Pervert came into my room around 10:00p.m, I woke up to the bed dipping from him sitting on it, he wasn't the skinniest. He began touching me weird and I was too shocked and scared to do anything. He told me not to tell the police or else.

So, being the kid I was; I told my teacher, who ended up telling the cops, who told my aunt as they were arresting him. He confessed to it all and ended up getting a deal with it. He was not allowed to come near anyone below the age of eighteen.

I went to use the bathroom, stopping after I was done to look at myself in the mirror. I was short, 5'4 to be exact, and I never heard the end of it. I had black hair and big round green eyes, I had a slight tan covering my body. I had soft features, a small slightly turned up nose and a slight widow's peak. I stuck out my small pink tongue at my reflection, then walked out of the bathroom into the living room.

My aunt's house wasn't that big. It was one story with an open floor plan and a kitchen in the corner. She has lived here longer then I have ever known about her. My aunt wasn't sober most of the time at home, but at work, she was the best of the best.

She worked as a nurse for a small community company, apparently, she was really good at her job and was offered to work at bigger, more known companies. For some reason, she would always turn them all down, and whenever I tried to ask her she was usually drunk and didn't understand a word that I was saying. Sometimes when she's not right in the mind she becomes violent and starts thrashing out on, just about anything that moves. On those nights, I go through my window that is right above my bed and wait for her to calm down.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when my stomach growled, I went to the kitchen to prepare something for myself and my aunt. After I'm done eating I looked at the time on the stove it said, 10:02 p.m. I put up my utensils and cleaned the dishes, and then I headed off to bed.

I had a dream about what would've happened if she never would have me Mr. Pervert online. If she used any other website then that one, I imagined that she was still the sweet lady who took me in when no one else would. That she was still the type of person I wanted to be when I grew up. That she still loved me no matter what I did, I still loved her, can't she see that? In my dream she did. I was overall happier than I could ever be in this life.

I was woken up by something or someone, landing on me hard. "Shit," they said in a slightly high pitched voice, but it was still obviously male, "I didn't know this was the window in his room."

"Shut up you're going to wake him up," a deeper voice replied whispering.

I opened my eyes just a crack. Even if I had opened them all the way I seriously doubt that they would be able to tell, seeing how dark it was. I looked at the person standing on my right side through the corner of my eyes. I couldn't make out much but I could tell by the way he sounded and how tall he was that he was at least eighteen. I looked at the person who was still sitting on top of me, and I did the stupidest thing ever. I gasped, because the person, even though he was turned away, I could tell that he was the same guy from the street.

He immediately turned around to face me and stared at me wide-eyed. I stared right back, just as shocked that I let myself do something so, stupid. The lucky thing was his companion or whatever, already left the room to do God knows what. He turned so that his body was facing me and his legs were on each side of my waist. He smiled creepily, reached into his back pocket, and drew out a pocket knife.

A knife, he had a knife. You really fucked up this time Alex, I thought to myself. The boy put the knife right up to my neck, leaned down really close to where his lips were almost touching my ear.

"Stupid Alexzander." He whispered softly. All while smiling that creepy ass smile. I shivered at the feeling.


A/n: Slightly Edited; 04/29/17

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